We are looking for Unity Developers to work with us on a range of dynamic and exciting projects. The current project involves implementing realistic vehicle physics.
If this sounds like you please send your CV and recent work to us today!
Ideally seeking programmers with 2+ years experience that can work across all areas of Unity related projects. You will be an excellent team player, have fantastic communication skills and the ability to work autonomously.
*Pay rates negotiable depending on experience*
We look forward to hearing from you!
www.urbanvoyage.com Very Happy
Zdravim. Pro Urban Voyage uz pracuji cca 2 roky jako grafik. Nechci delat reklamu, ale zatim jde o meho nejlepsiho klienta jak po strance komunikacni tak po strance platebni. Anglictina nemusi byt totalne naskillovana...se mnou meli v zacatcich hodne velkou trpelivost. Na vyse zminenem projektu take pracuji. Takze by jsme meli komunikovat i mezi sebou.
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