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.NET › LinkButton nevolá příslušnou…
8. 12. 2010   #136721

To ? :

a taky nechápu proč voláš base.CreateChildControls(), má to nějaký skrytý význam ?

.NET › LinkButton nevolá příslušnou…
8. 12. 2010   #136720

heh, dost výstižný koment na msdn

!!! DO NOT OVERRIDE CreateChildControls() !!! You will run into a world of hurt, especially when it comes to subscribing to child control events! Instead, create a private method called, "CreateCustomChildControls()". Build your control tree there. Simply override OnInit() and call CreateCustomChildControls() from there.
You can buy me a beer later.

Now, if you are using some specialized means of binding data (e.g., Custom Combo Box), load your control tree with "CreateCustomChildControls()", but load your data using "CreateChildControls()".



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