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Příspěvky odeslané z IP adresy 95.103.8.–

Anonymní uživatel
C / C++ › Problem s linkerom
10. 4. 2011   #140888

no na ich wiki pisu len o tychto 3 knizniciach a ano, ked dam ldd nejakeBulletDemo tak ziadne bulletovske kniznice nevypise

Anonymní uživatel
C / C++ › Problem s linkerom
10. 4. 2011   #140881

to taktiez nie (a system mam 64 bitovy...a tie kniznice som taktiez kompiloval sam (cize to neni kompilovane nejaku inu platformu))

Anonymní uživatel
C / C++ › Problem s linkerom
10. 4. 2011   #140878

KIIV: samozrejme, sam som ich tam kopiroval (a taktiez som naschval skusil dat zle napisane meno a vypisalo chybu ze nemoze najst kniznicu)

Anonymní uživatel
C / C++ › Problem s linkerom
10. 4. 2011   #140872

(prepacte za repost ale predchadzajuce vlakno nemalo titulok, aj ked neviem preco je vobec povolene posielat bez titulku)


mam problem (resp. neviem ako) s linkovanim. Stiahol som si Bullet physics engine 1.78 (, skompiloval a vsetko bolo vporiadku, taktiez aj dema fungovali (az na to ze pri soft body demach meshe bolo mozne vidiet len pri wireframe mode). Potom som si chcel vytvorit nejaky maly program ktory by pouzival bullet a ogre (

#include <BULLET/btBulletDynamicsCommon.h>

v dalsom kode som okrem tejto inkludacie s bulletom nic nerobil

pouzivam cmake a CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS som si nastavil na
-I/usr/local/include/BULLET -L/usr/local/lib -lBulletDynamics -lBulletCollision -lLinearMath

kniznice su staticky linkovane (.a). Taktiez som skusal pisat absolutne cesty ku knizniciam, ale ani to nepomohlo.

pri kompilacii mi vypisalo tuto chybu:

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o||In function `btAlignedAllocator<int, 16u>::deallocate(int*)':|

/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|undefined reference to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)'|

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o||In function `btAlignedAllocator<btTriangleInfo, 16u>::deallocate(btTriangleInfo*)':|

/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|undefined reference to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)'|

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o||In function `btAlignedAllocator<btHashInt, 16u>::deallocate(btHashInt*)':|

/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|undefined reference to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)'|

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o||In function `btAlignedAllocator<int, 16u>::deallocate(int*)':|

/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|undefined reference to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)'|

/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|undefined reference to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)'|

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o:/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|more undefined references to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)' follow|

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o:(.rodata._ZTV17btTypedConstraint[vtable for btTypedConstraint]+0x60)||undefined reference to `btTypedConstraint::serialize(void*, btSerializer*) const'|
||=== Build finished: 7 errors, 0 warnings ===|

v subore /usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h je samozrejme len prototyp funkcie btAlignedFreeInternal(void *) a pravdepodobne v libLinearMath.a je jej implementacia, ktoru nevie najst lebo ocividne tie kniznice nejako zle linkujem. Podla bulletovskej wiki (
) je poradie linkovanych kniznic spravne.

Predom dakujem za odpovede

Anonymní uživatel
C / C++ › Potřebuju pomoct
10. 4. 2011   #140871


mam problem (resp. neviem ako) s linkovanim. Stiahol som si Bullet physics engine 1.78 (, skompiloval a vsetko bolo vporiadku, taktiez aj dema fungovali (az na to ze pri soft body demach meshe bolo mozne vidiet len pri wireframe mode). Potom som si chcel vytvorit nejaky maly program ktory by pouzival bullet a ogre (

#include <BULLET/btBulletDynamicsCommon.h>

v dalsom kode som okrem tejto inkludacie s bulletom nic nerobil

pouzivam cmake a CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS som si nastavil na
-I/usr/local/include/BULLET -L/usr/local/lib -lBulletDynamics -lBulletCollision -lLinearMath

kniznice su staticky linkovane (.a). Taktiez som skusal pisat absolutne cesty ku knizniciam, ale ani to nepomohlo.

pri kompilacii mi vypisalo tuto chybu:

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o||In function `btAlignedAllocator<int, 16u>::deallocate(int*)':|

/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|undefined reference to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)'|

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o||In function `btAlignedAllocator<btTriangleInfo, 16u>::deallocate(btTriangleInfo*)':|

/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|undefined reference to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)'|

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o||In function `btAlignedAllocator<btHashInt, 16u>::deallocate(btHashInt*)':|

/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|undefined reference to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)'|

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o||In function `btAlignedAllocator<int, 16u>::deallocate(int*)':|

/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|undefined reference to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)'|

/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|undefined reference to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)'|

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o:/usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h|90|more undefined references to `btAlignedFreeInternal(void*)' follow|

CMakeFiles/OgreApp.dir/TutorialApplication.cpp.o:(.rodata._ZTV17btTypedConstraint[vtable for btTypedConstraint]+0x60)||undefined reference to `btTypedConstraint::serialize(void*, btSerializer*) const'|
||=== Build finished: 7 errors, 0 warnings ===|

v subore /usr/local/include/BULLET/LinearMath/btAlignedAllocator.h je samozrejme len prototyp funkcie btAlignedFreeInternal(void *) a pravdepodobne v libLinearMath.a je jej implementacia, ktoru nevie najst lebo ocividne tie kniznice nejako zle linkujem. Podla bulletovskej wiki (
) je poradie linkovanych kniznic spravne.

Predom dakujem za odpovede



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