Anonymní profil Nikos Gaitanis –
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Anonymní profil Nikos Gaitanis – Programujte.comAnonymní profil Nikos Gaitanis –


Příspěvky odeslané z IP adresy 2001:67c:1220:c1a1:a9b4:4...–

Nikos Gaitanis
Inzerce › Java Developer(40,000SKK), S…
17. 4. 2015   #201497

I am writing to apply for the position of Java or Android Developer .  I am senior IT studen and am quite skilled in the programming field.In my studies and internship I gained a strong understanding of various computer languages and the ability to carry out their use with speed and accuracy. I have a strong attention to detail as I know that even the simplest error can lead to lost production and frustration. I am a computer geek at heart am quite skilled at developing programs and troubleshooting. My target is to become as good programmer as I can .
I am looking forward hearing from you ..



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