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PHP › Personalizace obsahu podle I…
8. 10. 2015   #205494

Co jsi nasel?
Co jsi hledal?
Dej to sem a popis, co to dela nebo nedela?
google = detect language by ip php
google = detect state by ip php

function getLanguage(){
return $a[0];
    function getPreferredLanguage() {
    	$langs = array();
    	if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
    		// break up string into pieces (languages and q factors)
    				$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], $lang_parse);
    		if (count($lang_parse[1])) {
    			// create a list like "en" => 0.8
    			$langs = array_combine($lang_parse[1], $lang_parse[4]);
    			// set default to 1 for any without q factor
    			foreach ($langs as $lang => $val) {
    				if ($val === '') $langs[$lang] = 1;
    			// sort list based on value	
    			arsort($langs, SORT_NUMERIC);
    	//extract most important (first)
    	foreach ($langs as $lang => $val) { break; }
    	//if complex language simplify it
    	if (stristr($lang,"-")) {$tmp = explode("-",$lang); $lang = $tmp[0]; }
    	return $lang;

Pomoci tretich stran…

//checks if the language exists, if not choose the default language
if (!$cookie->id_lang && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']))
$array = explode(',', Tools::strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']));
if (Tools::strlen($array[0]) > 2)
$tab = explode('-', $array[0]);
$string = $tab[0];
$string = $array[0];
if (Validate::isLanguageIsoCode($string))
$lang = new Language(Language::getIdByIso($string));
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($lang) && $lang->active)
$this->id_lang = (int)$lang->id;
//checks if the language exists, if not choose the default language
if (!Language::getLanguage((int)$this->id_lang))
$this->id_lang = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');

public static function setCookieLanguage($cookie = null)
if (!$cookie)
$cookie = Context::getContext()->cookie;
/* If language does not exist or is disabled, erase it */
if ($cookie->id_lang)
$lang = new Language((int)$cookie->id_lang);
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($lang) || !$lang->active || !$lang->isAssociatedToShop())
$cookie->id_lang = null;

/* Automatically detect language if not already defined, detect_language is set in Cookie::update */ 

if ((!$cookie->id_lang || isset($cookie->detect_language)) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { 
$array = explode(',', Tools::strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])

5 min googlovani. Jestli neco z toho dela, co potrebujes, pak se styd :)



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