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Anonymní profil ferar360 – Programujte.comAnonymní profil ferar360 –


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Visual Basic › Excel úprava kodu
25. 8. 2017   #217667

Ďakujem veľmi pekne za nasmerovanie a pomoc. Takže iba stačilo zmeniť číslo z 1 na 2 a už to funguje podľa mojích predstáv.

Visual Basic › Excel úprava kodu
25. 8. 2017   #217666

Ide o to, že som nerobil nikdy s Excel VBA, tak mi to nie je jasné. Má to byť niečo ako hyperlinkový odkaz. A vďaka pozriem sa na ten kod.

Visual Basic › Excel úprava kodu
24. 8. 2017   #217652

Ďakujem za radu. Nefunguje a teda som nespomenul ale už som to predtým vyskúšal.

Keby náhodou ak tu je moje súbory.

Visual Basic › Excel úprava kodu
24. 8. 2017   #217635

Dobrý deň,

poprosil by som radu ale nasmerovanie ako upraviť kod ktorý som našiel na je to Activate or open another workbook.Ja by som potreboval poradiť ako upravím, aby to bralo hodnoty zo stĺpca B, nie ako je teraz z A.


Sub ActivateWorkbook(ByVal sWbName As String)

On Error GoTo ErrorHandle

'The function BookIsOpen checks if
'the workbook is open.
If BookIsOpen(sWbName) Then
   'Activate if open
   'If it is not open, we check if it exists in the
   'same folder as this workbook. If it does, we open it.
   If Len(Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & sWbName & "*")) > 0 Then
      ChDir (ThisWorkbook.Path)
      Workbooks.Open (sWbName)
      MsgBox "Workbook " & sWbName & " doesn't exist in " & ThisWorkbook.Path
   End If
End If

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description & " Procedure ActivateWorkbook, Module1"
End Sub
Function BookIsOpen(sWbName As String) As Boolean
'If the workbook isn't open the following
'triggers an error, so we use On Error Resume Next
On Error Resume Next
BookIsOpen = Len(Workbooks(sWbName).Name)
End Function

Sub FindName(ByVal sName As String)
'Finds and activates the cell with
'the same value as the cell in
'column E in the Index sheet.
Dim rColumn As Range
Dim rFind As Range

Worksheets("Contact Data").Activate

'The range rColumns is set to column A
Set rColumn = Columns("A:A")

'Search column A
Set rFind = rColumn.Find(sName)

'If found activate cell
If Not rFind Is Nothing Then
   'Else activate cell A1
End If

Set rColumn = Nothing
Set rFind = Nothing
End Sub


Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)

If Len(Target.Value) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If ActiveSheet.Name = "Contact Data" Then Exit Sub

With Target
   Select Case .Column
      Case 1
         Module1.ActivateWorkbook .Value
      Case 3
         On Error Resume Next
      Case 5
         Module1.FindName .Value
   End Select
End With

End Sub

Ďakujem za radu.



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