Anonymní profil Jan Havlas –
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Anonymní profil Jan Havlas – Programujte.comAnonymní profil Jan Havlas –


Příspěvky odeslané z IP adresy 83.208.22.–

C / C++ › LoadCursorFromFile mizí kurzor
22. 2. 2009   #95727

chtěl bych se zeptat když používam tuto funkci LoadCursorFromFile tak proč sem tam kurzor zmizí (naprosto jine situace nahodný jev:D) naprosto nevím proč..
Pokud někdo se stím už setkal byl bych vděčený za pomoc.

C / C++ › #ifdef _WIN32 prosim help:)
19. 2. 2009   #95508


mám takovou otázku ohledně těchto definici pro kompilaci pro win32. Mám čast programu pod linux ale potřebuju část(externí) pro windows a nevím když budu definovat s #ifdef _WIN32 čím to pak nejlépe přeložit když nebudu přesně definovat třeba pro VS ale jen čistě #ifdef _WIN32.


C / C++ › Strácejí se cookie u mutexu.
8. 12. 2008   #91433

mám takový menší problém, nejde mě ani tak o řešení problému kodu, ale spiš o možné teorie proč to nejede..

Mám takovou aplikačku(hru) client se připojí na server ten vygeneruje cookie o 4 bitech a pošle tyto cookie dalšímu serveru(myšleno jako další aplikace) tento server odpoví, a pošle cookie z5, ale bohužel někam špatně asi.. Poněvadž chat tyto pakety už nedostane nevím vůbec proč hrabal jsem se už v kernelu(apliakce jedou na linuxu) a kompiloval vše možná jádra.
A žádná změna.
zde je posílací část ze serveru který odpovídá, ale nikdy tyto pakety nedojdou na další server.


// odpoved na chat
cookie->type = TOCH_COOKIE_REPLY;
send(g_pChatManager->GetSock(), cookie, len, 0);
l_log("Send replay cookie (client %d) to chat ", cookie->chr_id);
int iResult(send());

Naprosto nevím co může být špatně vše jede na localhostu a když sleduju porty tak pakety tam opravdu proudí..
Pokud by měl někdo nějaký nápad co by to mohlo dělat byl bych mu vděčen děkuji..

Client je mezitím ve stavu čekaní na cookie od serveru(je seklej:D)

Inzerce › C++ programátor -free
9. 11. 2008   #89382


Formou tohoto inzerátu bych rád oznámil, že náš vývojový tým hledá nové lidi do funkce programátora.
Jedná se o práci na projektu "Immortal world" což je česká 3D MMORPG hra, která je ve vývoji už přes 2 roky.

Obsah práce je momentálně dat do pořádku herní server a začít vylepšovat herní client.

Co požadujeme:
Dobrou znalost jazyka c++.
Umět komunikovat s týmem.
Dostatek volného času

Co nabízíme:

Pracovat na projektu který má budoucnost.
Možnost pracovat s profesionálním enginem a nástroji.
Získat zkušenosti při vývoji hry.

Zde pár screenu:

Zde menší video:

Pro získaní více informací můžete navštívit web, nebo mě kontaktovat na ICQ: 262-162-611 případně na e-mail: .

C / C++ › expected unqualified-id befo…
5. 10. 2008   #86525

Jo dík moc nějak sem to vyřešil někde sem musel smazat aji "prebytečný" řádky dík moc.

C / C++ › expected unqualified-id befo…
5. 10. 2008   #86514

mám problem při sestavování programu a nevím co se myslí když to píše tyto errory:

nevím co je špatně.

error: expected unqualified-id before 'if'
error: expected unqualified-id before 'else'
error: expected declaration before '}' token

#define ClampValue(VAL, min, max) {

if(VAL < min) \

VAL = min; \

else \

{ \

if(VAL > max) \

VAL = max; \

} \

moc prosím o pomoc nevím čím to je..

C / C++ › Chyba při kompilaci
2. 9. 2008   #84303

mno to by bylo fakt skvele. Nemas ICQ? nebo tak neco?

C / C++ › Chyba při kompilaci
1. 9. 2008   #84243

Ještě ne smažu na jednom PC windowsi a zkusím.

Jinak ty errory sou pro mě opravdu záhadou:D už opravdu nevím co stím.

Matematika › Soustavy rovnic a program
1. 9. 2008   #84242

Tak to bych řešil jak zde asi někdo psal pomocí matic, nebo determinanční metodou.

Je to nejlehčí.

C / C++ › Chyba při kompilaci
1. 9. 2008   #84230

Ok updatnu..
Jinak nemůže to být taky třeba tím, že ten kod byl napsan v roce 2003, že bych měl použit starší verzi kompilatoru? nebo je to blbost?:)

C / C++ › Chyba při kompilaci
1. 9. 2008   #84219

Zkusil jsem přepsat protected na public a výsledek je stejný.
Zkusím jiný překladač možná to bude těma normama. Nedoporučujete nějaky?

C / C++ › Chyba při kompilaci
1. 9. 2008   #84213

Mno stím kompilátorem zkošel sem to s Kdevelop 3.5 zkusím starší verzi. JInak deklaraci pres direktivu myslím mám.
Jinak to stím nedodržováni standartu to nějak nehápu můžete to nějak prosím vysvětlit?

A nestačilo by použít -fpermissive ? aby se to vazlo jako waring?

C / C++ › Chyba při kompilaci
31. 8. 2008   #84172

Určitě je to c++, ale ty chybky me nejsou jasny.)
Syntaxe nejsou špatně ne? jako napsaný ten kod. Nemůže to být třeba verzí kompilatoru?

C / C++ › Chyba při kompilaci
31. 8. 2008   #84146

mám problém při kompilaci herního serveru na linuxu. Píše to chybky na pár řádcích .

kod je v c++

Výpis kompilátoru:
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h: In member function ‘void aDynStepArray<TYPE, STEP>::Add(TYPE)’:
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:290: error: there are no arguments to ‘_AddNewElem’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘_AddNewElem’ must be available
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:290: error: (if you use ‘-fpermissive’, G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:291: error: ‘elem’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:291: error: ‘no’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h: In member function ‘void aDynStepArray<TYPE, STEP>::AddIndexedPnt(TYPE)’:
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:297: error: ‘no’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:298: error: there are no arguments to ‘_AddNewElem’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘_AddNewElem’ must be available
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:299: error: ‘elem’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h: In member function ‘void aDynStepArray<TYPE, STEP>::AddIndexedElem(TYPE)’:
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:306: error: ‘no’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:307: error: there are no arguments to ‘_AddNewElem’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘_AddNewElem’ must be available
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:308: error: ‘elem’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h: In member function ‘void aDynStepArray<TYPE, STEP>::AddBlank()’:
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:314: error: there are no arguments to ‘_AddNewElem’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘_AddNewElem’ must be available

Nevím jak vyřešit tyto chybky pokud by někdo věděl byl bych mu vděčnej.

OS - GNU / Linux › Kompilace
30. 8. 2008   #84019

jj mam nasel jsem mensi chybku LINUX jsem mel napsany velkyma pismenama prepsal na Linux a uz si to vetsinu includu naslo, ale tet to pise toto nevim co stim..

[root@lab login_svr]# make
g++ -g3 -O0 -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-char-subscripts -I/mnt/rot/Dev -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -I/mnt/rot/Dev/linux/common/include -I/mnt/rot/Dev/linux/login_svr -DDEBUG -DLINUX -DA_EXPORT -D_NO_PCH -c -o main.o main.cpp
In file included from ../common/include/config.h:10,
from main.cpp:13:
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aTypes.h:103:48: error: mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Interfaces/xNode.h: není souborem ani adresářem
/mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Interfaces/xNode.h:16: warning: ‘class xNode’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Interfaces/xNodeList.h:12: warning: ‘class xNodeList’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Interfaces/xTreeSyntax.h:12: warning: ‘class xTreeSyntax’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Interfaces/xExtensions.h:12: warning: ‘class xExtensions’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Interfaces/xLibrary.h:12: warning: ‘class xLibrary’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Interfaces/xLink.h:10: warning: ‘class xLink’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Interfaces/xProcess.h:12: warning: ‘class xProcess’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Header/Library.h:13: warning: ‘class LibNodes’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Header/Library.h:29: warning: ‘class Library’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/mnt/rot/Dev/xTree/Header/Link.h:13: warning: ‘class LinkObj’ has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h: In member function ‘void aDynStepArray<TYPE, STEP>::Add(TYPE)’:
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:290: error: there are no arguments to ‘_AddNewElem’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘_AddNewElem’ must be available
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:290: error: (if you use ‘-fpermissive’, G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:291: error: ‘elem’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:291: error: ‘no’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h: In member function ‘void aDynStepArray<TYPE, STEP>::AddIndexedPnt(TYPE)’:
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:297: error: ‘no’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:298: error: there are no arguments to ‘_AddNewElem’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘_AddNewElem’ must be available
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:299: error: ‘elem’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h: In member function ‘void aDynStepArray<TYPE, STEP>::AddIndexedElem(TYPE)’:
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:306: error: ‘no’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:307: error: there are no arguments to ‘_AddNewElem’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘_AddNewElem’ must be available
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:308: error: ‘elem’ was not declared in this scope
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h: In member function ‘void aDynStepArray<TYPE, STEP>::AddBlank()’:
/mnt/rot/Dev/Header/Types/aDynArray.h:314: error: there are no arguments to ‘_AddNewElem’ that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of ‘_AddNewElem’ must be available
make: *** [main.o] Error 1

vypadato ze este nejaky includy jsou spatne ale teda nevim kde a ktery a uz vubec proc nektere to bere a neketere ne..

OS - GNU / Linux › Kompilace
30. 8. 2008   #84014

Mno tak jasný nastavit kompilatoru spravnou cestu ja bych řekl, že to mám... aspon si to myslím tady je ..

Jinak prosím pokud by mě někdo chtěl pomoct byl bych mu vděčen jako myslím nějaká domluva po ICQ než to vše řešit zde:)

Nevím zda-li je něco špatně..

.PHONY: count all dep mrproper clean

LDREL=ld -r


default: all

find -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.h" | xargs cat | wc -l

ifeq ($(USE_PCH), 0)

/bin/rm -f depend
/bin/rm -f build_pch
ifeq ($(USE_PCH), 1)
for i in $(OBJS); do \
../ $$i "$(CXX)" "$(CXXFLAGS)">> build_pch; \
$(CXX) -MM -MT $$i $(CXXFLAGS) `echo $$i | sed "s/\(.*\)\\.o$$/\1.cpp/"` >> depend; \
../ depend
for i in $(OBJS); do \
$(CXX) -MM -MT $$i $(CXXFLAGS) `echo $$i | sed "s/\(.*\)\\.o$$/\1.cpp/"` >> depend; \

ifeq ($(USE_PCH), 1)
ifeq (build_pch,$(wildcard build_pch))
include build_pch

ifeq (depend,$(wildcard depend))
include depend

OS - GNU / Linux › Kompilace
30. 8. 2008   #84006

mno tak to už jsem zkoušel jenže
./configure tu nemám mám tu jen soubory pro make. Což bych řekl, že je asi problem.? Většina těchto erroru je z includu bych řekl.
Na Počítači společnosti od které mám tento projekt to prý jede.. A na mém ne, a pokud neupřesním includy tak se ani nehnu... A pokud to budu upravovat soubor po souboru tak se zblázním.

Proto se ptám zda-li to nejde nějak obejít?

btw: Struktura složek je stejná jak měli oni.

OS - GNU / Linux › Kompilace
25. 8. 2008   #83566

Sry za tu předešlou zprávu už se v tom motám nějaký ten měsíc..
Tak dáme se do toho.

Oč se jedná?
jedná se o herní server pro můj projekt. Server je psanej v c++ za podpory skriptovacího jazyka LUA.
Server je rozdělen do několika části login server, chat server, game server, a uzel. Většina game informací je právě v LUA a SQL databází.


Problém je v tom, že když dám kompilovat napíše to strašně moc chyb zde jsou:

More errors in the compilation are written here in the log:
lab22@lab linux]$ make -i
Makefile:28: warning: overriding commands for target `dep' warning: ignoring old commands for target `dep'
for i in login_svr gserver CHAT cluster_node keepalive_svr; do \
cd $i; \
make all || exit 1; \
cd ../; \
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/lab22/Desktop/linux/login_svr'
g++ -g3 -O0 -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-char-subscripts -I/mn
t/rot/Dev -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -I/mnt/rot/Dev/LINUX/common/include -I/mnt/
rot/Dev/LINUX/login_svr -DDEBUG -DLINUX -DA_EXPORT -D_NO_PCH -c -o main.o main
main.cpp:13:20: error: config.h: není souborem ani adresářem
main.cpp:14:24: error: confparser.h: není souborem ani adresářem
main.cpp:15:25: error: login_proto.h: není souborem ani adresářem
main.cpp:16:24: error: linux_misc.h: není souborem ani adresářem
main.cpp:17:22: error: pg_dbcon.h: není souborem ani adresářem
main.cpp:19:20: error: logger.h: není souborem ani adresářem
updater.h:11: error: ‘word’ has not been declared
updater.h:11: error: ‘rtime_t’ has not been declared
main.cpp:31: error: ‘word’ does not name a type
main.cpp:32: error: ‘word’ does not name a type
main.cpp:45: error: ‘SVRNAME_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:47: error: ‘word’ does not name a type
main.cpp:48: error: ‘word’ does not name a type
main.cpp:49: error: ‘word’ does not name a type
main.cpp:50: error: ‘SVRDESC_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:51: error: ‘byte’ does not name a type
main.cpp:62: error: ‘word’ does not name a type
main.cpp:65: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before
‘(’ token
main.cpp: In function ‘void sig_handler(int)’:
main.cpp:88: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:97: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ has not been declared
main.cpp:104: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: In function ‘void rehash_svrlist(int)’:
main.cpp:118: error: ‘byte’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:118: error: expected `;' before ‘touched’
main.cpp:120: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:120: error: expected `;' before ‘dbcon’
main.cpp:126: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:128: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:130: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:131: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:135: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:137: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:140: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:144: error: ‘touched’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:153: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘name’
main.cpp:153: error: ‘SVRNAME_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:154: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘desc’
main.cpp:154: error: ‘SVRDESC_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:162: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘name’
main.cpp:162: error: ‘SVRNAME_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:163: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘desc’
main.cpp:163: error: ‘SVRDESC_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: In function ‘int parser_callback(const char*, const char*)’:
main.cpp:200: error: ‘dbhost’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:200: error: ‘CONF_ADD_STRING’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:201: error: ‘dbuser’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:202: error: ‘dbpass’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:203: error: ‘dbname’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:204: error: ‘client_root’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:205: error: ‘announce_file’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:206: error: ‘sn_prefix’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:207: error: ‘cl_port’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:207: error: ‘CONF_ADD_INT’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:208: error: ‘sv_port’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:209: error: ‘download_bandwidth’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:210: error: ‘compress_thresh’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: In function ‘int check_config()’:
main.cpp:218: error: ‘dbhost’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:218: error: ‘CONF_CHECK_STRING’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:219: error: ‘dbuser’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:220: error: ‘dbname’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:221: error: ‘client_root’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:222: error: ‘announce_file’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:223: error: ‘cl_port’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:223: error: ‘CONF_CHECK_INT’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:224: error: ‘sv_port’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:225: error: ‘download_bandwidth’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:226: error: ‘compress_thresh’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: At global scope:
main.cpp:233: error: ‘word’ has not been declared
main.cpp: In function ‘int init_sock(int*, int)’:
main.cpp:239: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:245: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:248: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:251: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:256: error: ‘word’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:258: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:263: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: At global scope:
main.cpp:275: error: ‘tClientLogin’ has not been declared
main.cpp: In function ‘uint auth_user(int, int, int*, int*)’:
main.cpp:278: error: ‘USERNAME_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:279: error: ‘PASSWORD_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:280: error: ‘SN_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:282: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:282: error: expected `;' before ‘dbcon’
main.cpp:285: error: ‘user’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:285: error: request for member ‘name’ in ‘* pkt’, which is of non-class
type ‘int’
main.cpp:287: error: ‘pass’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:287: error: request for member ‘pass’ in ‘* pkt’, which is of non-class
type ‘int’
main.cpp:289: error: ‘sn’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:289: error: request for member ‘sn’ in ‘* pkt’, which is of non-class t
ype ‘int’
main.cpp:297: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:305: error: ‘REASON_ACCOUNTINUSE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:307: error: ‘REASON_ACCOUNTBANNED’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:309: error: ‘REASON_ACCOUNTEXPIRED’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:312: error: ‘REASON_AUTHORIZATIONFAILED’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:317: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:318: error: ‘REASON_DATABASEERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:320: error: ‘REASON_ACCOUNTINUSE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:327: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:331: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:333: error: ‘REASON_DATABASEERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: In function ‘void* server_thread(void*)’:
main.cpp:357: error: ‘byte’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:357: error: expected `;' before ‘code’
main.cpp:360: error: ‘login_report’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:360: error: expected `;' before ‘init’
main.cpp:361: error: ‘login_auth’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:361: error: ‘l_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:362: error: ‘login_unlock’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:362: error: ‘u_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:363: error: ‘login_resp’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:363: error: expected `;' before ‘l_resp’
main.cpp:365: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:365: error: expected `;' before ‘dbcon’
main.cpp:369: error: ‘init’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:373: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:379: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:383: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘max’
main.cpp:384: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘port’
main.cpp:392: error: ‘code’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:392: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
main.cpp:392: error: expected `)' before ‘buf’
main.cpp:396: error: ‘LOGIN_AUTH’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:399: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
main.cpp:399: error: expected `;' before ‘buf’
main.cpp:400: error: ‘l_resp’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:404: error: ‘LOGIN_UNLOCK’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:407: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
main.cpp:407: error: expected `;' before ‘buf’
main.cpp:408: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:413: error: ‘straddr’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:418: error: ‘straddr’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:419: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘alive’
main.cpp:420: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: In function ‘void server_loop()’:
main.cpp:443: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:452: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘alive’
main.cpp:453: error: ‘straddr’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:453: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:454: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘alive’
main.cpp:460: error: ‘straddr’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:460: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:471: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: In function ‘void send_svrlist(int)’:
main.cpp:484: error: ‘tCSServersList’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:484: error: ‘resp’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:485: error: ‘tLoginReply’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:485: error: expected `;' before ‘hdr’
main.cpp:486: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:486: error: expected `;' before ‘dbcon’
main.cpp:488: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
main.cpp:488: error: expected `;' before ‘malloc’
main.cpp:489: error: ‘hdr’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:489: error: ‘LOGIN_SVRLIST’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:492: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘name’
main.cpp:492: error: ‘SVRNAME_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:493: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘desc’
main.cpp:493: error: ‘SVRDESC_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:495: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘port’
main.cpp:496: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘max’
main.cpp:497: error: ‘SERVER_OFFLINE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:498: error: ‘struct svrinfo_t’ has no member named ‘alive’
main.cpp:500: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: In function ‘void send_announcement(int)’:
main.cpp:518: error: ‘tLoginReply’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:518: error: expected `;' before ‘rep’
main.cpp:534: error: ‘rep’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:534: error: ‘LOGIN_ANNOUNCEMENT’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: In function ‘int validate_sn(const char*, char*)’:
main.cpp:567: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDALPHATESTACCOUNT’ was not declared in this s
main.cpp:635: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDSERIAL’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:699: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDALPHATESTACCOUNT’ was not declared in this s
main.cpp:731: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDALPHATESTACCOUNT’ was not declared in this s
main.cpp: In function ‘void* client_thread(void*)’:
main.cpp:796: error: ‘word’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:796: error: expected `;' before ‘port’
main.cpp:797: error: ‘tClientLogin’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:797: error: expected `;' before ‘login_pkt’
main.cpp:798: error: ‘tClientLoginErr’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:798: error: expected `;' before ‘err_pkt’
main.cpp:800: error: aggregate ‘tUpdateRequest freq’ has incomplete type and can
not be defined
main.cpp:801: error: ‘byte’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:801: error: expected `;' before ‘type’
main.cpp:804: error: ‘rtime_t’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:804: error: expected `;' before ‘start’
main.cpp:805: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:805: error: expected `;' before ‘dbcon’
main.cpp:810: error: ‘port’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:810: error: ‘struct clthrdinfo_t’ has no member named ‘port’
main.cpp:813: error: ‘straddr’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:813: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:815: error: ‘type’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:815: error: ‘safe_recv’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:824: error: ‘LOGIN_AUTHORIZE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:825: error: ‘login_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:829: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:829: error: ‘REASON_SERVERPROTOCOLERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:842: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:846: error: ‘LOGIN_NEWACCOUNT’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:860: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDSERIAL’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:860: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:864: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:864: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:864: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:864: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:865: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:865: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:865: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:865: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:866: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:866: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:866: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:866: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:867: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:867: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:867: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:867: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:868: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:868: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:868: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:868: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:882: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:882: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:885: error: ‘REASON_INVALIDACCOUNTDATA’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:885: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:886: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:887: error: ‘REASON_DATABASEERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:887: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:888: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:889: error: ‘REASON_EMAILBANNED’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:889: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:890: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:891: error: ‘REASON_DATABASEERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:891: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:892: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:893: error: ‘REASON_ILLEGALWORDS’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:893: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:894: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:895: error: ‘REASON_DATABASEERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:895: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:896: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:897: error: ‘REASON_DUPLICATEDACCOUNTNAME’ was not declared in this sco
main.cpp:897: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:898: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:899: error: ‘REASON_DATABASEERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:899: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:900: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:901: error: ‘REASON_DUPLICATEDSERIAL’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:901: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:902: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:903: error: ‘REASON_DATABASEERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:903: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:904: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:905: error: ‘REASON_DUPLICATEDEMAIL’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:905: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:908: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:909: error: ‘dbcon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:913: error: ‘REASON_DATABASEERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:913: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:917: error: ‘REASON_ACCOUNTCREATEDOK’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:917: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:920: error: ‘REASON_SERVERPROTOCOLERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:920: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:933: error: ‘start’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:943: error: ‘LOGIN_ENDUPDATE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:945: error: ‘LOGIN_EARLYEXIT’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:951: error: ‘LOGIN_GETFILE’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:952: error: ‘REASON_SERVERPROTOCOLERROR’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:952: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:961: error: ‘get_time’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:966: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:975: error: ‘get_time’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: In function ‘void* client_loop(void*)’:
main.cpp:994: error: ‘tClientLoginErr’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:994: error: expected `;' before ‘err_pkt’
main.cpp:1003: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1009: error: ‘struct clthrdinfo_t’ has no member named ‘port’
main.cpp:1009: error: ‘word’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1013: error: ‘straddr’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1013: error: ‘struct clthrdinfo_t’ has no member named ‘port’
main.cpp:1013: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1015: error: ‘err_pkt’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1015: error: ‘REASON_SESSIONFULL’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, const char**)’:
main.cpp:1027: error: ‘l_init’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1028: error: ‘argdb_init’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1029: error: ‘argdb_isset’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1031: error: ‘VERSION’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1031: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1036: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1037: error: ‘VERSION’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1041: error: ‘go_daemon’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1042: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1049: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1051: error: ‘parse_config’ was not declared in this scope
main.cpp:1060: error: ‘struct tSvrConf’ has no member named ‘cl_port’
main.cpp:1061: error: ‘struct tSvrConf’ has no member named ‘cl_port’
main.cpp:1064: error: ‘struct tSvrConf’ has no member named ‘sv_port’
main.cpp:1065: error: ‘struct tSvrConf’ has no member named ‘sv_port’
main.cpp:1068: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ has not been declared
main.cpp:1080: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
make[1]: [main.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -g3 -O0 -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-char-subscripts -I/mn
t/rot/Dev -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -I/mnt/rot/Dev/LINUX/common/include -I/mnt/
rot/Dev/LINUX/login_svr -DDEBUG -DLINUX -DA_EXPORT -D_NO_PCH -c -o updater.o u
updater.cpp:23:20: error: config.h: není souborem ani adresářem
updater.cpp:25:42: error: Header/ClientServer/messages.h: není souborem ani adre
updater.cpp:26:24: error: linux_misc.h: není souborem ani adresářem
updater.cpp:27:20: error: logger.h: není souborem ani adresářem
updater.h:11: error: ‘word’ has not been declared
updater.h:11: error: ‘rtime_t’ has not been declared
updater.cpp:112: error: ‘byte’ does not name a type
updater.cpp: In function ‘int archive_file(const char*)’:
updater.cpp:173: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer express
updater.cpp:176: warning: missing sentinel in function call
updater.cpp:177: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:183: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:190: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp: In function ‘int get_archattr(const char*, uint*, uint*, uint*)’:
updater.cpp:233: error: ‘byte’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:233: error: ‘buf’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:237: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:243: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:248: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token
updater.cpp:248: error: expected `;' before ‘malloc’
updater.cpp:254: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp: In function ‘int process_file(const char*, FILE*)’:
updater.cpp:282: error: ‘tUpdateFileInfo’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:282: error: expected `;' before ‘fi’
updater.cpp:284: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:312: error: ‘fi’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp: In function ‘int process_dir(const char*, FILE*)’:
updater.cpp:340: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:373: error: ‘struct flistitem_t’ has no member named ‘isdir’
updater.cpp:376: error: ‘struct flistitem_t’ has no member named ‘isdir’
updater.cpp:434: error: ‘struct flistitem_t’ has no member named ‘isdir’
updater.cpp:473: error: ‘struct flistitem_t’ has no member named ‘isdir’
updater.cpp:489: error: ‘struct flistitem_t’ has no member named ‘isdir’
updater.cpp: In function ‘int create_filelist()’:
updater.cpp:556: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp: In function ‘int init_updater(const char*, uint, uint)’:
updater.cpp:600: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:609: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:640: error: ‘tUpdateFileInfo’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:652: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp: In function ‘int send_filelist(int)’:
updater.cpp:690: error: ‘tLoginReply’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:690: error: expected `;' before ‘rep’
updater.cpp:692: error: ‘rep’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:692: error: ‘LOGIN_FILELIST’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp: In function ‘uint partial_crc(const char*, uint, int*)’:
updater.cpp:719: error: ‘byte’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:719: error: expected `;' before ‘buf’
updater.cpp:729: error: ‘buf’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp: At global scope:
updater.cpp:748: error: ‘word’ has not been declared
updater.cpp:748: error: ‘rtime_t’ has not been declared
updater.cpp: In function ‘int send_file(int, tUpdateRequest*, const char*, int,
int, uint*)’:
updater.cpp:754: error: ‘rtime_t’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:754: error: expected `;' before ‘start’
updater.cpp:757: error: ‘tLoginReply’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:757: error: expected `;' before ‘rep’
updater.cpp:759: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:760: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:760: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:761: error: ‘REASON_NOSUCHFILE’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:763: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:764: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:765: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:766: error: ‘rep’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:766: error: ‘LOGIN_COMPRESSEDRESUME’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:768: error: ‘rep’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:768: error: ‘LOGIN_COMPRESSED’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:771: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:772: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:773: error: ‘rep’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:773: error: ‘LOGIN_UNCOMPRESSEDRESUME’ was not declared in this scop
updater.cpp:775: error: ‘rep’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:775: error: ‘LOGIN_UNCOMPRESSED’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:779: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:780: error: ‘REASON_INTERNAL’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:783: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:784: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:785: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:787: error: ‘REASON_INTERNAL’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:788: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:790: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:791: error: ‘rep’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:796: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:797: error: ‘rep’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:801: error: ‘rep’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:801: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:804: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:810: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:811: error: ‘REASON_INTERNAL’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:813: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:813: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:815: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:817: error: ‘start’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:817: error: ‘get_time’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:821: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.h:6: error: forward declaration of ‘struct tUpdateRequest’
updater.cpp:821: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:823: error: ‘REASON_INTERNAL’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:827: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
updater.cpp:838: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer express
make[1]: [updater.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -g3 -O0 -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-char-subscripts -I/mn
t/rot/Dev -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -I/mnt/rot/Dev/LINUX/common/include -I/mnt/
rot/Dev/LINUX/login_svr -DDEBUG -DLINUX -DA_EXPORT -D_NO_PCH -c -o ../common/p
g_dbcon.o ../common/pg_dbcon.cpp
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:10:20: error: config.h: není souborem ani adresářem
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:11:22: error: pg_dbcon.h: není souborem ani adresářem
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:12:20: error: logger.h: není souborem ani adresářem
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:18: error: expected initializer before ‘*’ token
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:22: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ has not been declared
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:22: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘pgdbcon_t’ wit
h no type
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: In function ‘int pgdbcon_t()’:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:23: error: ‘last_res’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:24: error: ‘last_type’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: At global scope:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:27: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conv
ersion before ‘::’ token
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:35: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ is not a class or namespace
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: In function ‘int connect(const char*, const char*, const
char*, const char*)’:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:36: error: ‘conn_id’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:37: error: ‘PQfinish’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:41: error: ‘snprintf’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:43: error: ‘snprintf’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:45: error: ‘conn_id’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:45: error: ‘PQconnectdb’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:47: error: ‘PQstatus’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:47: error: ‘CONNECTION_BAD’ was not declared in this scop
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:51: error: ‘PQerrorMessage’ was not declared in this scop
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:51: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:57: error: ‘PQbackendPID’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:57: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: At global scope:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:62: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ is not a class or namespace
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: In function ‘int disconnect()’:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:64: error: ‘conn_id’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:64: error: ‘PQfinish’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: At global scope:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:72: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ is not a class or namespace
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: In function ‘const char* get_error()’:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:73: error: ‘last_res’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:74: error: ‘PQresultErrorMessage’ was not declared in thi
s scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: At global scope:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:87: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ is not a class or namespace
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: In function ‘int query(const char*, ...)’:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:100: error: ‘last_res’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:101: error: ‘PQclear’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:127: error: ‘PQescapeString’ was not declared in this sco
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:138: error: ‘snprintf’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:169: error: ‘last_res’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:169: error: ‘conn_id’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:169: error: ‘PQexec’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:176: error: ‘PQresultStatus’ was not declared in this sco
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:177: error: ‘PGRES_TUPLES_OK’ was not declared in this sc
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:178: error: ‘last_type’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:180: error: ‘PGRES_COMMAND_OK’ was not declared in this s
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: At global scope:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:193: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ is not a class or namespace
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: In function ‘int ntuples()’:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:196: error: ‘last_res’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:198: error: ‘last_type’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:199: error: ‘last_res’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:199: error: ‘PQcmdTuples’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:206: error: ‘last_res’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:206: error: ‘PQntuples’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: At global scope:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:213: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ is not a class or namespace
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: In function ‘const char* get_s(int, const char*)’:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:216: error: ‘last_res’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:219: error: ‘last_res’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:219: error: ‘PQfnumber’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:222: error: ‘PQgetvalue’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: At global scope:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:230: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ is not a class or namespace
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:244: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ is not a class or namespace
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:254: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ is not a class or namespace
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: In function ‘int copy_buffer(const char*, const char*)’:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:257: error: ‘snprintf’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:258: error: ‘conn_id’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:258: error: ‘PQexec’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:259: error: ‘PQputline’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:261: error: ‘PQendcopy’ was not declared in this scope
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: At global scope:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:270: error: ‘pgdbcon_t’ is not a class or namespace
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp: In function ‘void escape(const char*, char*, int)’:
../common/pg_dbcon.cpp:271: error: ‘PQescapeString’ was not declared in this sco
make[1]: [../common/pg_dbcon.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -g3 -O0 -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-char-subscripts -I/mn
t/rot/Dev -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -I/mnt/rot/Dev/LINUX/common/include -I/mnt/
rot/Dev/LINUX/login_svr -DDEBUG -DLINUX -DA_EXPORT -D_NO_PCH -c -o ../common/l
inux_misc.o ../common/linux_misc.cpp
../common/linux_misc.cpp:14:20: error: config.h: není souborem ani adresářem
../common/linux_misc.cpp:15:20: error: logger.h: není souborem ani adresářem
../common/linux_misc.cpp:16:24: error: linux_misc.h: není souborem ani adresářem
../common/linux_misc.cpp: In function ‘int get_exedir(char*, int)’:
../common/linux_misc.cpp:31: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
../common/linux_misc.cpp:36: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
../common/linux_misc.cpp: In function ‘int go_daemon(void (*)(int), int)’:
../common/linux_misc.cpp:66: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
../common/linux_misc.cpp: In function ‘void argdb_init(const char**, int)’:
../common/linux_misc.cpp:114: error: ‘malloc’ was not declared in this scope
../common/linux_misc.cpp: In function ‘int delete_files_by_type(const char*, con
st char*)’:
../common/linux_misc.cpp:218: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
../common/linux_misc.cpp:229: error: ‘l_perror’ was not declared in this scope
make[1]: [../common/linux_misc.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -g3 -O0 -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-char-subscripts -I/mn
t/rot/Dev -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -I/mnt/rot/Dev/LINUX/common/include -I/mnt/
rot/Dev/LINUX/login_svr -DDEBUG -DLINUX -DA_EXPORT -D_NO_PCH -c -o ../common/c
onfparser.o ../common/confparser.cpp
../common/confparser.cpp:4:20: error: config.h: není souborem ani adresářem
../common/confparser.cpp:5:24: error: confparser.h: není souborem ani adresářem
../common/confparser.cpp:6:20: error: logger.h: není souborem ani adresářem
../common/confparser.cpp:8: error: ‘confparse_callback_t’ has not been declared
../common/confparser.cpp: In function ‘int parse_config(const char*, int)’:
../common/confparser.cpp:9: error: ‘uint’ was not declared in this scope
../common/confparser.cpp:9: error: expected `;' before ‘n’
../common/confparser.cpp:17: error: ‘l_log’ was not declared in this scope
../common/confparser.cpp:34: error: ‘n’ was not declared in this scope
../common/confparser.cpp:41: error: ‘cb’ cannot be used as a function
make[1]: [../common/confparser.o] Error 1 (ignored)
g++ -o l main.o updater.o ../common/logger.o ../common/pg_dbcon.o ../common/lin ux_misc.o ../common/confparser.o -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -lpthread -lpq -lbz2
g++: main.o: není souborem ani adresářem
g++: updater.o: není souborem ani adresářem
g++: ../common/pg_dbcon.o: není souborem ani adresářem
g++: ../common/linux_misc.o: není souborem ani adresářem
g++: ../common/confparser.o: není souborem ani adresářem
make[1]: [l] Error 1 (ignored)
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lab22/Desktop/linux/login_svr'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/lab22/Desktop/linux/gserver'
Makefile:4: *** commands commence before first target. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lab22/Desktop/linux/gserver'
make: [all] Error 1 (ignored)

Nevím přesně, ale většina říká, že je to tím cvs, celej kod je tím propletenej.
CVS zde bude určitě hrát velkou roli v děláni updatu to je jasný, ale stále jsem nepochopil proč by to bez toho nešlo zkompilovat.

Ty soubory co to píše, že schází tu mám, ale i tak to hází stejné chybky.
To je můj problém..

OS - GNU / Linux › Kompilace
25. 8. 2008   #83561

mám takovej větší problém už delší dobu. Snažím se zkompilovat jeden software pod linuxama ale moc s linuxama neumím proto hledám pomoc :)

This file describers how to install
a new server on a new machine:
I. Login as root
II.Install the rpm's from the Libs directory
- at this time, this directory contains the bzip2 rpm, used by the login server

III. To instal the pgsql server on the machine:
a. Install the postgresql-libs-..... .rpm from the pgsql directory
You also need to install other rpm's if asked (ex: krb5-libs-1.2.7-10.i386.rpm)
b. Install the postgresql-7.4.5-..... .rpm from the pgsql directory
c. Install the postgresql-server-.... .rpm from the pgsql directory
d. mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data

Licu: first you need to create /usr/local/pgsql dir and after that the data

e. chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data

Licu: both user and group must be set on postgres for both pgsql and data dirs

f. su postgres
g. initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
i. postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data >logfile 2>&1 &
j. Copy the rc.postgres file from the "pgsql/config files" directory into the /etc/rc.d directory
add the folowing line at the end of the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file:

[CAUTION] Make sure the rc.postgres doesn't have any strange line terminators.
This will cause the parsing errors (like " : bad interpreter" for first bash line).
If this is the case edit the file (in LINUX!) and delete the ^ terminators (most
probably added by Windows version of CVS).

k. reboot the computer
i. su postgres
j. type:
createdb login_svr
k. type:
createdb rot
l. type:
m. Copy the files pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf
located into the "pgsql/config files" directory
into the /usr/local/pgsql/data directory,
overwriting the existing files
n. Copy the postgres.rc file
located into the "pgsql/config files" directory
into /etc/rc.d
o. reboot the system
IV. Copy the entire "sql" directory where the game will be installed (eg. /rot/)
Type the following commands:
a. cd /rot/sql
b. psql -U postgres rot
c. \i rot.sql
(here, you are already into the psql shell)
d. \i dbupdate.sql
- here, the database is populated with the datas dumped from another pgsql server
(if such datas are available, dump made with the script)
e. \q
(return to bash)

f. psql -U postgres login_svr
g. \i login_svr.sql
(here, you are already into the psql shell)
h. populate the "servers" table with the servers that will use this login server
(this operation can be done later :P )
i. \q
(return to bash)

V. If u will want to compile the sources of the game, also install the /pgsql/postgresql-devel-...... .rpm
Set the MAINDIR, PGINCDIR and the PGLIBDIR from the with the proper paths, so the project will compile.
Also, do not forget to modify the chat.conf, game_svr.conf and node.conf file from each server in order to properly configure the servers
The actual ptoject is made for KDevelop 3.0, but, rh 9.0 comes with KDevelop 2.1, so, the project won't be loaded under kdevelop 2.1 :(
The project for KDevelop 2.1 is also made, and, for now, it seems pretty friendly
VI. If no cvs is installed, install the rpm from the cvs_to_install directory

Hlavně nechápu poslední dva body nevím jak to zkompilovat. Jestli nějak stím cvs nebo tak nevim.. Když to kompiluju samostaně přes gcc nebo make tak to nějak nejde..
Pokud by někdo vědel jak nato budu mu vděčen ..

VII. Login to the CVS repository in thew following way:
cvs -d :pserver:username@ip:/rot_rep login
checkout the sources in the following way:
cvs -d :pserver:username@ip:/rot_rep checkout rot (if u want the entire rot module)
be carefull with the path where the module will be checkouted

VIII. Copy the executables and the additional files needed for the servers to properly run (found in CVS)
gserver -generate
(from the gserver directory - wherever that is, or else, the game server won't start)
and then copy the files from the "generated" directory into the client directory,
or, simply run the script (this requires a predefined directory structure)
Then, start the login server and the rest of the servers

Jan Havlas
Inzerce › Programator c++ projekt Immo…
9. 5. 2008   #73386

Kontakovát nás můžete na Emailu:
nebo na icq: 262-162-611


Jan Havlas
Inzerce › Programator c++ projekt Immo…
9. 5. 2008   #73385

nás tým je už na scéně přes dva roky a děláme celou dobu na jedné hře Immortal world.
Jedná se o české 3D MMORPG.
Více infromací o hře najdete na

Hra už je v pokročilém stadiu jak již můžete vídě na webu.

A tet k věci:
Hledáme programatora c++ ná vývoj samotné hry a rozvoj enginu.

Co od nás můžete očekávat?
Dobrou prezentaci
Práce s kvalitním týmem
Práce s kvalitními nástroji, které jsou na dobré technologické úrovni.

C / C++ › error LNK2001(kompilace)
29. 2. 2008   #67436

Aha mno to sem si myslel díky za upřesnení, ale opravdu nevím jak to řešit... jeto patová situace při jednom de něco a pri druhem de něco ale zase nejde tam to co šlo ..
Nevím zda-li de o problem nastavení kompilatoru nebo kodového poněvatž si myslim, že vkodu to není. Pokud byste někdo měl čas poradit tak mu budu velice vděčnej.

C / C++ › error LNK2001(kompilace)
27. 2. 2008   #67260

dělám na svém projektu už delší dobu, ale tet řeším zvuk pomocí OpenAL 1.0 SDK a zkoušel sem i 1.1 a když sem kompiloval pod 1.1 tak mě to zkompilovat šlo, ale házelo mě to chybu jinou tak sem zkusil starší verzi a to sem zkompiloval víc věci jelikož už se jedná skoro o finální kompilaci tak odkazuji na několik dll a lib knihoven a u te 1.0 sem zkompiloval skoro vše až natu zvukouvou část a jelikož naní odkazuji tak nejde ani zkompilovat spouštěcí část .Když to chci zkompilovat pod Microsoft Visual 6 c++ bez MSDN a háže me to chybu při externeálním načítání. Opravu nevím čím to může byt jestli tím že nemam MSDN nebo něco jiného pokud někdo ví prosím poratte..
--------------------Configuration: aOpenAL - Win32 Release No debug infor--------------------
Creating library aOpenAL___Win32_Release_No_debug_infor/aOpenAL.lib and object aOpenAL___Win32_Release_No_debug_infor/aOpenAL.exp
ALAudio.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__alcGetIntegerv
ALAudio.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__alcGetString
../../../Bin/aOpenAL.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.




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