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Anonymní profil Misha – Programujte.comAnonymní profil Misha –


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Pascal › Pascal HELP.... please :)
15. 6. 2008   #76990

To Mircosoft [#76984]: I have to go to bed (I'm only 16, so I have a bed time :)), I guess I will just tell the teacher that I couldn't come up with it.
Thank you very much anyway...

When you have time, could you please just post the command that I should use? That way I can ask her to explain that to me?

Pascal › Pascal HELP.... please :)
15. 6. 2008   #76985

To Mircosoft : Exactly what I thought of... But I have no idea which commands I should use... For example, the number of cabins changes with every use of the program, so what kind of function can I use to calculate this?
If we calculate (add the cabins next to each other- every possible combination), then we can just use something like "if a>b then..."?
(Thank you so much :))

Pascal › Pascal HELP.... please :)
15. 6. 2008   #76954

Hi, ok... Here's the story- I have been absent from my Pascal programming class for 3 weeks, I came back and now the teacher wants me to try out a few programs for a test tomorrow. I have one that I have no idea how to do...

Here are the directions:
"Mr.Paul has an amusement park. On one ride, there are many different cabins painted different colors. Since the colors evoke different emotions, each cabin is priced individually.
A group of friends want to ride Mr.Paul's cabin ride. They want to sit together, or in cabins right next to each other.
The amount of friends: N
The capacity of one cabin: K
The amount of cabins: M

Now, the program will get these numbers from a file on the desktop (the file should have N,K,M separated by a space, plus the $$ amount each cabin costs), then it should calculate how many cabins are needed, then which combination is the cheapest for the friends.
So, for an example:
Input: 7 2 10
80 70 40 90 100 60 70 80 80 50

Good luck!"

Ok, so I have absolutely no idea.
I wanted to ask you for help- please please please if anyone knows how to make this program, don't hesitate to write at least a little part of it.
Thank you!!!!



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