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JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery › Replace Text on web
6. 4. 2009   #98613

Nazdar, mal by som jednu prosbu. Na internete som našiel tento userscript pre Greasemonkey, ktorý slúži na zmenu textu, napr. miesto lol napise lot of laughts a podobne. Funguje perfektne, ja by som však potreboval, aby na stránke zmenil len prvé slovo. napr. v clanku je 4x spomenuté slovo depresia a ja by som chcel aby to prvé slovo premenoval na depka a ostatné tri nechal napokoj. Dalo by sa to nejako urobiť? Toto je zdroják skriptu

// ==UserScript==

// @name Replace Text On Webpages
// @namespace
// @description Replaces text on websites. Now supports wildcards in search queries
// @include http://*
// @include https://*
// @include file://*
// @exclude*
// @copyright JoeSimmons
// ==/UserScript==

var words = {
// Syntax: 'Search word' : 'Replace word',
'im*o' : 'in my opinion', // Will get imo and any characters between m and o
'4.5' : '12','6' : '71'};

// This is where the real code is
// Don't edit below this

// Grab the text nodes
var this_text, text = document.evaluate("//text()[normalize-space(.)!='']",document,null,6,null);

for(var i=text.snapshotLength-1; i>=0; i--) {

// Create a shortcut for the text node
this_text = text.snapshotItem(i);

// Iterate the words array
for(word in words) {

// Turn the search term into a regular expression
// allowing wildcards (*) to be used for any character
var search_regexp = new RegExp(word.replace(/\*/g,'.*'), 'gi');

// Exclude the blank option at the bottom of the array words
// so every entry can have a comma after it for easy entry of blacklisted words
// And if the text node contains the blacklisted word
// And if the text isn't inside a link
if(word!='' && search_regexp.test (this_text.textContent) && this_text.parentNode.tagName!='A') {

// Replace the blacklisted word with the appropriate word
this_text.textContent = this_text.textContent.replace(search_regexp, words[word]);






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