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SharpDevelop is participating in the Google Summer of Code this year.
It is an opportunity for students to earn 4500 USD over the summer by working on an open-source project.
We have created a list of ideas, but you can work basically on anything you want as long as it is relevant to SharpDevelop. You can find the list of ideas and any further information on the SharpDevelop wiki page for the Google Summer of Code:
The deadline for the application is the 3rd April 19:00 UTC.
You can submit your application here:
If you are not a student or if you do not have enough spare time, you can benefit as well - share your ideas with us and maybe some student will pick them up and implement them:
Feel free to contact us on the forums or via email
Please spread the word and tell your friends about the Summer of Code!
Fórum › .NET
Brigada za 4500$ (Google Summer of Code)

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