Potrebujem pomôcť s makrami v Exceli. Chcem nahradiť starú knižnicu za novú:
Stará funkcia:
Private Declare Function UpdateMetadata Lib "APWorkshop" (ByRef filname As String, ByRef uspsw As String, ByRef titl As String, ByRef subj As String, ByRef auth As String, ByRef keyw As String, ByRef creator As String, ByRef producer As String) As String
If m_strCreator <> IDS_FIELD_NOT_FOUND And _
m_strProducer <> IDS_FIELD_NOT_FOUND Then
navrat = UpdateMetadata(strFileName, strUserPassword, m_strTitle, m_strSubject, m_strAuthor, m_strKeywords, m_strCreator, m_strProducer)
isok = ParseAnswer(navrat, RowToUpdate.Row)
navrat = UpdateBasicMetadata(strFileName, strUserPassword, m_strTitle, m_strSubject, m_strAuthor, m_strKeywords)
isok = ParseAnswer(navrat, RowToUpdate.Row)
A potrebujem ju nahradiť knižnicou QuickPDFDLL, ktorá má podobnú funkciu ale z inými parametrami:
int QuickPDFDASetInformation(int InstanceID, int FileHandle, char * Key,
char * NewValue)
FileHandle A handle returned by the DAOpenFile, DAOpenFileReadOnly or
DAOpenFromStream functions
Key For standard information use "Author", "Title", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator",
or "Producer". For custom information any other string can be used.
NewValue The new value for the specified key. Unicode strings are supported, but for the
Delphi and DLL editions of the library you will need to encode using UTF-8.
Return values
0 The specified FileHandle was not valid
1 The information key was set or updated successfully