Zdravím, pokouším se napsat takovou menší hru, problém je, že je můj kód neefektivní, už při vytvoření více jak 500 aut, které se dokážou pohybovat směrem dopředu je problém s výkonem. Ještě nemají implementovanou ani logiku, ani kolize.
Auta jsou vykreslovány pouze pomocí polygonů a úseček. Používám knihovnu pygame.
Mohl by mi někdo poradit, kde je problém?
import pygame
from copy import copy
from math import *
class Camera:
def __init__(self, zoom):
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1500, 800))
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
self.fps = 60
self.zoom = zoom
self.w, self.h = pygame.display.get_surface().get_size()
self.mouse = []
self.min_zoom = 0.5
self.max_zoom = 8
self.end_zoom = 1
def frame(self):
self.screen.fill((250, 250, 250))
def transform(self, points):
trans_points = []
for point in points:
point_0 = ((point[0] - room.car.coordinates[0]) * self.zoom + self.w / 2)
point_1 = ((point[1] - room.car.coordinates[1]) * self.zoom + self.h / 2)
trans_points.append([point_0, point_1])
return trans_points
def fixMouse(self):
self.mouse = [(pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] - self.w / 2) / self.zoom + room.car.coordinates[0],
(pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] - self.h / 2) / self.zoom + room.car.coordinates[1]]
def mouseRestricted(self):
for window in room.windows:
if (window.borders[0] < pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] < window.borders[0] + window.borders[2] and
window.borders[1] < pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] < window.borders[1] + window.borders[3] and
def zoomIn(self):
if self.end_zoom < self.max_zoom:
self.end_zoom *= 2
def zoomOut(self):
if self.end_zoom > self.min_zoom:
self.end_zoom /= 2
def zooming(self):
if self.zoom < self.end_zoom:
self.zoom /= 1 + (self.zoom - self.end_zoom) / self.end_zoom /10
if self.zoom > self.end_zoom:
self.zoom /= 1 + (self.zoom - self.end_zoom) / self.end_zoom / 10
class Object():
def __init__(self, coordinates, angle, speed = 0):
self.coordinates = coordinates
self.speed = speed
class Component():
connection_radius = 6
part_size = 0
def __init__(self, owner, coordinates):
self.owner = owner
self.coordinates = coordinates
self.create = True
self.next_component = ''
def startCreate(self):
def round_to_squares(self):
x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
result = [self.coordinates[0], self.coordinates[1]]
if (room.windows[0].circuit_window.mount[0] < x - Component.part_size * floor(self.w / 2) and
x + Component.part_size * floor(self.w / 2) < room.windows[0].circuit_window.mount[2]):
result[0] = int(round((x - room.windows[0].circuit_window.mount[0] - Component.part_size / 2) / self.part_size)
* self.part_size + room.windows[0].circuit_window.mount[0] + Component.part_size / 2)
if (room.windows[0].circuit_window.mount[1] < y - Component.part_size * floor(self.h / 2) and
y + Component.part_size * floor(self.h / 2) < room.windows[0].circuit_window.mount[3]):
result[1] = int(round((y - room.windows[0].circuit_window.mount[2] - Component.part_size / 2) / self.part_size)
* self.part_size + room.windows[0].circuit_window.mount[2] + Component.part_size / 2)
return result
def move(self):
self.coordinates = self.round_to_squares()
def drawBase(self):
pygame.draw.polygon(room.cam.screen, (50, 205, 50), [
[self.coordinates[0] - self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] - self.h / 2 * self.part_size],
[self.coordinates[0] - self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] + self.h / 2 * self.part_size],
[self.coordinates[0] + self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] + self.h / 2 * self.part_size],
[self.coordinates[0] + self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] - self.h / 2 * self.part_size]])
pygame.draw.polygon(room.cam.screen, (100, 100, 100), [
[self.coordinates[0] - self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] - self.h / 2 * self.part_size],
[self.coordinates[0] - self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] + self.h / 2 * self.part_size],
[self.coordinates[0] + self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] + self.h / 2 * self.part_size],
[self.coordinates[0] + self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] - self.h / 2 * self.part_size]], 2)
for connection in self.connections:
room.cam.screen, (255, 255, 255), [
int(self.coordinates[0] + connection[0] * self.part_size),
int(self.coordinates[1] + connection[1] * self.part_size)],
room.cam.screen, (0, 0, 0), [
int(self.coordinates[0] + connection[0] * self.part_size),
int(self.coordinates[1] + connection[1] * self.part_size)],
self.connection_radius, 2)
def remove(self):
class Cable(Component):
w = 1
h = 1
width = 2
connections = []
connection_distance = 20
def __init__(self, owner, coordinates):
super().__init__(owner, coordinates)
self.end_point = [0, 0]
from_component = ''
def testConnections(self):
for component in room.marked.components:
for connection in component.connections:
x = connection[0] * self.part_size + component.coordinates[0]
y = connection[1] * self.part_size + component.coordinates[1]
m_x, m_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if sqrt((x - m_x) ** 2 + (y - m_y) ** 2) < self.connection_distance:
return([x, y], component)
def startCreate(self):
if self.testConnections():
position, component = self.testConnections()
self.coordinates = position
self.create = True
self.from_component = component
def move(self):
self.coordinates = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
def end_create(self):
if self.testConnections() != False:
position, component = self.testConnections()
self.end_point = position
self.from_component.next_component = component
room.windows[0].choosen = Cable(room.marked, [0, 0])
def drawBase(self):
room.cam.screen, (0, 0, 0), True, [
[self.coordinates[0] - self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] - self.h / 2 * self.part_size],
[self.coordinates[0] + self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] - self.h / 2 * self.part_size],
[self.coordinates[0] - self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] + self.h / 2 * self.part_size],
[self.coordinates[0] + self.w / 2 * self.part_size, self.coordinates[1] + self.h / 2 * self.part_size]],
def draw(self):
pygame.draw.line(room.cam.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.coordinates, self.end_point, self.width)
def creating(self):
self.end_point = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
class D_Obstacle(Component):
w = 3
h = 3
connections = [[w / 2 , 0]]
def __init__(self, owner, coordinates):
super().__init__(owner, coordinates)
def draw(self):
class O_Go(Component):
w = 1
h = 1
connections = [[- w / 2, 0]]
def __init__(self, owner, coordinates):
super().__init__(owner, coordinates)
def draw(self):
class Car(Object):
car_height = 10
car_width = 5
max_speed = 1
power = 0.01
def __init__(self, coordinates, speed, angle):
self.points = [[coordinates[0] - self.car_width, coordinates[1] - self.car_height],
[coordinates[0] - self.car_width, coordinates[1] + self.car_height],
[coordinates[0] + self.car_width, coordinates[1] + self.car_height],
[coordinates[0] + self.car_width, coordinates[1] - self.car_height]]
self.coordinates = coordinates
self.speed = speed
self.angle = - pi / 2
self.radius = 0
self.s = False
self.w = False
self.a = False
self.d = False
self.rot_point = [0, 0]
self.a_speed = 0.02
def update(self):
self.move() if self.radius == 0 else self.rotate()
def move(self):
for point in self.points:
point[0] += self.speed * cos(self.angle)
point[1] += self.speed * sin(self.angle)
self.coordinates[0] += self.speed * cos(self.angle)
self.coordinates[1] += self.speed * sin(self.angle)
def accelerate(self):
if self.s:
if self.speed > - self.max_speed:
self.speed -= self.power
elif self.w:
if self.speed < self.max_speed:
self.speed += self.power
if -self.power > self.speed or self.speed > self.power:
self.speed -= copysign(1, self.speed) * self.power
self.speed = 0
def aSpeed(self):
self.a_speed = self.speed / self.radius / self.car_width / 2
self.angle += self.a_speed
def rotPoint(self):
coe = 0
if self.d:
coe = 0.5
elif self.a:
coe = -0.5
self.rot_point = ((self.points[2][0] - self.points[1][0]) * self.radius + self.points[int(1.5 + coe)][0],
(self.points[2][1] - self.points[1][1]) * self.radius + self.points[int(1.5 + coe)][1])
def rotate(self):
for point in self.points:
x = ((point[0] - self.rot_point[0]) * cos(self.a_speed) -
(point[1] - self.rot_point[1]) * sin(self.a_speed) + self.rot_point[0])
point[1] = ((point[0] - self.rot_point[0]) * sin(self.a_speed) +
(point[1] - self.rot_point[1]) * cos(self.a_speed) + self.rot_point[1])
point[0] = x
x = ((self.coordinates[0] - self.rot_point[0]) * cos(self.a_speed) -
(self.coordinates[1] - self.rot_point[1]) * sin(self.a_speed) + self.rot_point[0])
self.coordinates[1] = ((self.coordinates[0] - self.rot_point[0]) * sin(self.a_speed)
+ (self.coordinates[1] - self.rot_point[1]) * cos(self.a_speed) + self.rot_point[1])
self.coordinates[0] = x
def isMouse(self):
x, y = room.cam.mouse
if -self.car_height < (x - self.coordinates[0]) * cos(self.angle) - (y - self.coordinates[1]) * sin(-self.angle) < self.car_height:
if - self.car_width < (x - self.coordinates[0]) * sin(-self.angle) + (y - self.coordinates[1]) * cos(self.angle) < self.car_width:
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] and not room.cam.mouseRestricted():
def mark(self):
room.marked = self
def draw(self):
pygame.draw.polygon(room.cam.screen, self.color, room.cam.transform(self.points))
def drawContour(self):
pygame.draw.aalines(room.cam.screen,(0, 0, 0), True, room.cam.transform(self.points), 2)
def inventory(self):
class MyCar(Car):
color = (250, 0, 20)
steer = 1.3
min_rad = 2
max_rad = 20
def __init__(self, coordinates, speed, angle):
super().__init__(coordinates, speed, angle)
def turning(self):
if self.a and self.radius <= 0:
if self.radius < -self.min_rad:
self.radius /= self.steer
elif self.radius == 0:
self.radius -= self.max_rad
elif self.d and self.radius >= 0:
if self.radius > self.min_rad:
self.radius /= self.steer
elif self.radius == 0:
self.radius += self.max_rad
if abs(self.radius) < self.max_rad and self.radius != 0:
self.radius *= self.steer
self.radius = 0
class RoboCar(Car):
color = (0, 250, 0)
def __init__(self, coordinates, speed, angle):
super().__init__(coordinates, speed, angle)
self.w = True
self.d = False
self.components = []
def turning(self):
if self.a:
self.radius = -4.5
if self.d:
self.radius = 2.5
class BookMark():
def __init__(self, colors, text, borders = [0, 0]):
self.difference = 15
self.contour = 5
self.indent = 20
self.color_0 = colors[0]
self.colors = colors
self.text = text
self.text_width, self.text_height = self.text.get_width(), self.text.get_height()
self.points = []
self.is_mouse = False
def countPoints(self, borders):
self.points = [[borders[0], borders[1]],
[borders[0] - 2 * self.contour - self.text_width, borders[1] + self.difference],
[borders[0] - 2 * self.contour - self.text_width, borders[1] + self.difference + 4 * self.contour + self.text_height],
[borders[0], borders[1] + 2 * self.difference + 4 * self.contour + self.text_height]]
def update(self):
def draw(self):
if room.windows[0].top_book_mark == self:
color = self.colors[1]
color = self.colors[0]
pygame.draw.polygon(room.cam.screen, color, self.points)
pygame.draw.lines(room.cam.screen, self.colors[0], False, self.points, 4)
room.cam.screen.blit(self.text,(self.points[1][0] + self.contour, self.points[1][1] + 2 * self.contour))
def special_draw(self):
pygame.draw.line(room.cam.screen, self.colors[1], [self.points[0][0] + 1, self.points[0][1] + 3], [self.points[3][0] + 1, self.points[3][1] - 2])
pygame.draw.line(room.cam.screen, self.colors[1], [self.points[0][0] + 2, self.points[0][1] + 2], [self.points[3][0] + 2, self.points[3][1] - 2])
def mouse(self):
x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if self.points[0][0] > x > self.points[1][0]:
if (x * (self.points[1][1] - self.points[0][1]) - self.points[0][0] * self.points[1][1] + self.points[0][1] * self.points[1][0]) / (self.points[1][0] - self.points[0][0]) < y:
if (x * (self.points[3][1] - self.points[2][1]) - self.points[2][0] * self.points[3][1] + self.points[2][1] * self.points[3][0]) / (self.points[3][0] - self.points[2][0]) > y:
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
room.windows[0].top_book_mark = self
class Window():
def __init__(self,a, b, c, d, color, width = 0, visible = True):
self.borders = [a, b, c, d]
self.visible = visible
self.color = color
self.width = width
def draw(self):
pygame.draw.rect(room.cam.screen, self.color[0], self.borders)
pygame.draw.rect(room.cam.screen, self.color[1], self.borders, self.width)
class ButtonWindow(Window):
def __init__(self, a, b, c, d, color, buttons, width, visible = True):
super().__init__(a, b, c, d, color, width, visible)
self.buttons = buttons
class CircuitWindow():
def __init__(self, a, b, c, d, color):
self.borders = [a, b, c, d]
self.color = color
self.b_frame_click = (0, 0, 0)
self.mount = [0, 0, 0, 0]
self.mount_lenght = 100
Component.part_size = floor(self.borders[2] / 23)
self.borders[1] = pygame.display.get_surface().get_size()[1] / 2 - self.borders[2] / 23 * 6.5
self.borders[3] = self.borders[2] / 23 * 13
def createMount(self):
self.mount = [self.borders[0] + (self.borders[2] - Component.part_size * 22) / 2,
self.borders[1] + (self.borders[3] - Component.part_size * 12) / 2,
self.borders[0] + self.borders[2] - (self.borders[2] - Component.part_size * 22) / 2,
self.borders[1] + self.borders[3] - (self.borders[3] - Component.part_size * 12) / 2]
def draw(self):
pygame.draw.rect(room.cam.screen, self.color[0], self.borders)
pygame.draw.lines(room.cam.screen, (0, 0, 0), False,
[[self.mount[0] + self.mount_lenght, self.mount[1]],
[self.mount[0], self.mount[1]], [self.mount[0], self.mount[1] + self.mount_lenght]], 1)
pygame.draw.lines(room.cam.screen, (0, 0, 0), False,
[[self.mount[2] - self.mount_lenght, self.mount[1]],
[self.mount[2], self.mount[1]], [self.mount[2], self.mount[1] + self.mount_lenght]], 1)
pygame.draw.lines(room.cam.screen, (0, 0, 0), False,
[[self.mount[0] + self.mount_lenght, self.mount[3]],
[self.mount[0], self.mount[3]], [self.mount[0], self.mount[3] - self.mount_lenght]], 1)
pygame.draw.lines(room.cam.screen, (0, 0, 0), False,
[[self.mount[2] - self.mount_lenght, self.mount[3]],
[self.mount[2], self.mount[3]], [self.mount[2], self.mount[3] - self.mount_lenght]], 1)
def mouse(self):
if self.b_frame_click == (0, 0, 0) and pygame.mouse.get_pressed() == (1, 0, 0):
if self.b_frame_click == (1, 0, 0) and pygame.mouse.get_pressed() == (0, 0, 0):
if len(room.marked.components) > 0:
room.marked.components[-1].create = False
self.b_frame_click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
class CarMenu(Window):
def __init__(self,a, b, c, d, color, width, visible = True):
super().__init__(a, b, c, d, color, width, visible)
self.text_size = 15
self.inner_window_space = 15
self.inner_window_width = 130
self.button_w = 100
self.button_h = 30
self.component_names = ['Kabel', 'Detektor překážek', 'Plyn', 'Udělátko', 'Blikátko', 'Tentononc']
self.component_classes = [Cable, D_Obstacle, O_Go, D_Obstacle, D_Obstacle, D_Obstacle]
self.buttons = []
self.choosen = ''
self.circuit_window = CircuitWindow(self.borders[0] + self.inner_window_width, self.borders[1] + self.inner_window_space, self.borders[2] - 3 * self.inner_window_space - self.button_w,
self.borders[3] - 2 * self.inner_window_space, [(240, 240, 240), (0, 0, 0)])
self.borders[1] = self.circuit_window.borders[1] - self.inner_window_space
self.borders[3] = self.circuit_window.borders[3] + 2 * self.inner_window_space
self.button_window = ButtonWindow(self.borders[0] + self.inner_window_space, self.borders[1] + self.inner_window_space, self.inner_window_width,
self.borders[3] - 2 * self.inner_window_space, [(220, 220, 220), (0, 0, 0)], self.buttons, 1)
self.categories = ['Vše', 'Detektory', 'Logika', 'Outputy', 'Vlastní']
self.category_components = [[1], [], [2], []]
self.book_marks = []
self.top_book_mark = self.book_marks[0]
def update(self):
def mouse(self):
if (self.circuit_window.borders[0] < pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] < self.circuit_window.borders[0] + self.circuit_window.borders[2] and
self.circuit_window.borders[1] < pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] < self.circuit_window.borders[1] + self.circuit_window.borders[3]):
self.is_mouse = True
self.is_mouse = False
def createComponents(self):
colors = [(160, 160, 160), (100, 100, 100), (250, 250, 250), (160, 100, 250), (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, 250)]
for i in range(len(self.component_names)):
self.buttons.append(ComponentButton(colors, [self.borders[0] + self.inner_window_space + self.button_w / 2, self.borders[1] +
self.inner_window_space + self.button_h * (0.5 + i)],[self.button_w, self.button_h],
self.component_names[i],self.text_size, self.component_classes[i], 2))
def borec(self):
def createBookMarks(self):
for i in range(len(self.categories)):
text = (pygame.transform.rotate(pygame.font.SysFont("arial", self.text_size).render(self.categories[i], True, (0, 0, 0)), 90))
if self.book_marks == []:
base = self.borders[1]
base = self.book_marks[-1].points[2][1]
self.book_marks.append(BookMark([(160, 160, 160), (220, 220, 220)], text, [self.borders[0], base]))
class Menu():
colors = [(100, 100, 120), (245, 240, 240), (250, 250, 250)]
def __init__(self, buttons):
self.buttons = buttons
class Button():
def __init__(self, colors, coordinates, size, text, text_size, width, visible = True):
self.coordinates = coordinates
self.size = size
self.borders = [coordinates[0] - size[0] / 2, coordinates[1] - size[1] / 2, size[0], size[1]]
self.text = pygame.font.SysFont("arial", text_size).render(text, True, colors[2])
self.text_width, self.text_height = self.text.get_width(), self.text.get_height()
self.colors = colors
self.width = width
self.is_mouse = False
self.visible = visible
self.b_frame_click = False
def draw(self):
if self.is_mouse == True:
col = 3
col = 0
if self.visible:
pygame.draw.rect(room.cam.screen, self.colors[0 + col], self.borders)
pygame.draw.rect(room.cam.screen, self.colors[1 + col], self.borders, self.width)
room.cam.screen.blit(self.text,(self.coordinates[0] - self.text_width / 2, self.coordinates[1] - self.text_height / 2))
def mouse(self):
x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if (self.borders[0] < x < self.borders[0] + self.size[0] and
self.borders[1] < y < self.borders[1] + self.size[1]):
self.is_mouse = True
self.is_mouse = False
def update(self):
class MenuButton(Button):
def __init__(self, colors, coordinates, size, text, text_size, task, visible = True):
super().__init__(colors, coordinates, size, text, text_size, 4, visible)
self.task = task
def do_task(self):
if not pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
if self.b_frame_click:
self.b_frame_click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]
class ComponentButton(Button):
def __init__(self, colors, coordinates, size, text, text_size, obj, width, visible = True):
super().__init__(colors, coordinates, size, text, text_size, width, visible)
self.object = obj
def do_task(self):
if not pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
if self.b_frame_click:
room.windows[0].choosen = self.object(room.marked, pygame.mouse.get_pos())
self.b_frame_click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]
class Room():
def __init__(self):
self.cam = Camera(1)
Component.part_size = int(self.cam.w / 33)
self.robocars = []
self.marked = 'none'
self.windows = [CarMenu(self.cam.w / 6, self.cam.h / 2 - self.cam.w / 11 * 2, self.cam.w * 2 / 3, 4 * self.cam.w / 11, [(220, 220, 220), (160, 160, 160)], 4, False)]
self.k = 2000
def control(self):
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
loop.crashed = True
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if not loop.new_game:
loop.menu = not loop.menu
loop.pause = not loop.pause
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
if not loop.menu:
loop.pause = not loop.pause
if not loop.pause:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_s:
self.car.s = True
if event.key == pygame.K_w:
self.car.w = True
if event.key == pygame.K_a:
self.car.a = True
if event.key == pygame.K_d:
self.car.d = True
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_s:
self.car.s = False
if event.key == pygame.K_w:
self.car.w = False
if event.key == pygame.K_a:
self.car.a = False
if event.key == pygame.K_d:
self.car.d = False
if event.key == pygame.K_n:
if event.key == pygame.K_e:
if room.marked != 'none' and not isinstance(room.marked, MyCar):
room.windows[0].visible = not room.windows[0].visible
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if event.button == 4:
elif event.button == 5:
def do_stuff(self):
if loop.menu:
for button in self.menu.buttons:
if not loop.menu:
if not loop.pause:
for robocar in self.robocars:
for robocar in self.robocars:
if self.marked != 'none':
if self.windows[0].visible:
for book_mark in self.windows[0].book_marks:
for component in self.marked.components:
if component.create:
if self.windows[0].choosen != '':
if self.windows[0].is_mouse:
for button in self.windows[0].button_window.buttons:
def pokus(self):
if self.k > 0:
self.newCar([40000 - self.k * 20, 0])
self.k -= 1
for j in range(20):
pygame.draw.line(self.cam.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.cam.transform([[0, j * self.car.car_height * 3]])[0],
self.cam.transform([[200, j * self.car.car_height * 3]])[0])
for i in range(5):
pygame.draw.line(self.cam.screen, (0, 0, 0), self.cam.transform([[i * self.car.car_height * 3, -200]])[0],
self.cam.transform([[i * self.car.car_height * 3, 200]])[0])
def newCar(self, coords=[0, 0], speed=0, angle=pi / 2):
self.robocars.append(RoboCar(coords, speed, angle))
class GameLoop():
def __init__(self):
self.crashed = False
self.menu = True
self.pause = True
self.new_game = True
def quit(self):
self.crashed = True
def play(self):
self.new_game = False
self.menu = False
self.pause = False
room.menu.buttons[0].visible = False
room.menu.buttons[1].visible = True
def run(self):
while not self.crashed:
def creator(self):
room.car = MyCar([0, 0], 0, 0)
colors = [(160, 160, 160), (100, 100, 100), (250, 250, 250), (160, 100, 250), (100, 100, 100), (0, 0, 250)]
text_size = 32
w, h = room.cam.w, room.cam.h
room.menu = Menu([MenuButton(colors, [w / 2, h / 2 - 70], [400, 60], 'Nová hra', text_size, loop.play),
MenuButton(colors, [w / 2, h / 2 - 70], [400, 60], 'Pokračovat', text_size, loop.play, False),
MenuButton(colors, [w / 2, h / 2], [400, 60], 'Nastavení', text_size, loop.play),
MenuButton(colors, [w / 2, h / 2 + 70], [400, 60], 'Konec', text_size, loop.quit)])
room = Room()
loop = GameLoop()