mam takovy problem ... Snazim se pretypovat string na ushort coz delam takhle
Cti = Lumber.ReadLine();
string[] Read = Cti.Split(',');
ushort X = Convert.ToUInt16(Read[0]);
ushort Y = Convert.ToUInt16(Read[1]);
sbyte Z = (sbyte)Convert.ToUInt16(Read[2]);
ushort Graphic = Convert.ToUInt16(Read[3]);
Coz mi funguje ale pri "ushort Graphic" se mi to treba z cisla "3277" prevede na "0CCD" jenze bych potreboval aby to bylo ve formatu "0x0CCD".
Díky za vsechny rady uz si s tim lamu hlavu 2 dny.