PHP Class kontrola – PHP – Fórum –
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PHP Class kontrola – PHP – Fórum – Programujte.comPHP Class kontrola – PHP – Fórum –


Earl Cash0
Věrný člen
19. 3. 2012   #1

Zdravím zase po delší době,

dávám dohromady třídu, která by mi měla zjednodušit práci s adresářem o určité struktuře. Formát je následující:






Všechno to nějak lepím dohromady, ale uvědomuji si, že za sebou zanechávám spoustu logických chyb a dalších nedodělků. Na konci tohoto postu je zdrojový kód toho co mám v tuto chvíli vytvořené. Nemám žádný konkrétní problém*, spíš bych od vás potřeboval menší kontrolu a úplně nejlépe patche... Pokud to někoho zajímá nebo třeba řeší stejný problém. Beztak na roumingu neni nic nového...

* Ok, kecám... code_get_attachment (); a _read_recursive (); se chovají dementně.


class CWDataInterface
	private $working_dir;
	private $dd; // directory descriptor for controlled reading
	private $read_limit;
	private $limits = array
		"codename_maxlen" => 255,
		"codedesc_maxlen" => 1000000,
		"codetags_maxlen" => 1000000
	public function __construct ($working_dir = "")
		$this->working_dir = $working_dir;
		$this->dd = null;
	public function __destruct ()
		if ( $this->dd != null )
			closedir ($this->dd);
	private function _clean_dirname ($dirname)
		if ( preg_match ("/\/$/", $dirname) == 0 )
			$dirname .= "/";
		if ( !$this->_check_real_path ($dirname) )
			return null;
		return $dirname;
	private function _check_real_path ($dirname)
		if ( ! realpath ($this->working_dir.$dirname) )
			return false;
		return true;
	public function code_create ($dirname, $codename, $code_description = "", $code_tags = "", $user_token = "", $attachment = array ())
		if ( is_dir ($this->working_dir.$dirname) )
			return false;
		if ( strlen ($codename) == 0 )
			return false;
		@mkdir ($this->working_dir.$dirname, 0777);
		@mkdir ($this->working_dir.$dirname."attachment", 0777);
		$fd_codename = @fopen ($this->working_dir.$dirname."cw_codename", "w");
		if ( ! $fd_codename )
			return false;
		@fwrite ($fd_codename, $codename);
		@fclose ($fd_codename);
		$fd_description = @fopen ($this->working_dir.$dirname."cw_description", "w");
		if ( ! $fd_description )
			return false;
		@fwrite ($fd_description, $code_description);
		@fclose ($fd_description);
		$fd_tags = @fopen ($this->working_dir.$dirname."cw_tags", "w");
		if ( ! $fd_tags )
			return false;
		@fwrite ($fd_tags, $code_tags);
		@fclose ($fd_tags);

		$fd_owners = @fopen ($this->working_dir.$dirname."cw_owners", "w");
		if ( ! $fd_owners )
			return false;
		@fwrite ($fd_owners, $user_token);
		@fclose ($fd_owners);

		foreach ($attachment as $file){
			if ( file_exists ($file) ) // dont forget about security issues!!
				@copy ($file, $working_dir.$dirname."attachment/");
		return true;
	public function code_get_info ($dirname)

		$dirname = $this->_clean_dirname ($dirname);
		if ( $dirname == null )
			return null;

		if ( !is_dir ($this->working_dir.$dirname) )
			return null;

		// read codename
		$fd_codename = @fopen ($this->working_dir.$dirname."cw_codename", "r");
		if ( ! $fd_codename )
			return null;
		$data["codename"] = @fread ($fd_codename, $this->limits["codename_maxlen"]);
		@fclose ($fd_codename);

		// read description
		$fd_description = @fopen ($this->working_dir.$dirname."cw_description", "r");
		if ( ! $fd_description )
			return null;
		$data["description"] = @fread ($fd_description, $this->limits["codedesc_maxlen"]);
		@fclose ($fd_description);
		// read tags
		$fd_tags = @fopen ($this->working_dir.$dirname."cw_tags", "r");
		if ( ! $fd_tags )
			return null;
		$tags = @fread ($fd_tags, $this->limits["codetags_maxlen"]);
		@fclose ($fd_tags);

		// read owners
		$fd_owners = @fopen ($this->working_dir.$dirname."cw_owners", "r");
		if ( ! $fd_owners )
			return null;
		$data["owner"] = @fread ($fd_owners, $this->limits["codedesc_maxlen"]);
		@fclose ($fd_owners);
		$arr_tags = explode (" ", $tags);
		if ( !empty ($arr_tags) ){
			foreach ($arr_tags as $tag){
				$data["tags"][] = $tag;
		$data["modified"] = @filectime ($this->working_dir.$dirname);
		return $data;
	public function code_touch ($dirname, $filename, $type = "file", $content = "")
		if ( !is_dir ($this->working_dir.$dirname) )
			return false;
		// v== Do something here it may be useful :)
		if ( file_exists ($this->working_dir.$dirname."/attachment/".basename ($filename)) )
			return false;
		if ( $type == "file" ){
			$rval = @touch ($this->working_dir.$dirname."/attachment/".basename ($filename));
			if ( strlen ($content) > 0 ){
				$fd = @fopen ($this->working_dir.$dirname."/attachment/".basename ($filename), "w");
				@fwrite ($fd, $content);
				@fclose ($fd);
		} else {
			$rval = @mkdir ($this->working_dir.$dirname."/attachment/".basename ($filename), 0777);
		return $rval;
	public function code_get_attachment ($dirname, $read_recursive = false, $limit = 100)
		$dd = null;
		$dirs = array ();
		$files = array ();
		$read_files = 0;
		$dirname = $this->_clean_dirname ($dirname);
		if ( $dirname == null )
			return array ();
		$attachment_dir = $this->working_dir.$dirname."attachment/";
		$dd = opendir ($attachment_dir);
		if ( ! $dd )
			return array ();

		while ( $f = readdir ($dd) ){
			if ( $f == "." || $f == ".." )
			if ( is_dir ($attachment_dir.$f) ){
				$dirs[$dirname.$f] = $dirname.$f;
				if ( $read_recursive )
					$this->_read_recursive ($dirname, $f, $dirs, $files);
			} else {
				$files[$dirname.$f] = $dirname.$f;
		closedir ($dd);
		return array_merge ($dirs, $files);

	private function _read_recursive ($dirname, $file, &$dirs, &$files)
		if ( ! is_dir ($this->working_dir.$dirname) )
			return null;
		$dd = opendir ($this->working_dir.$dirname."attachment/".$file);
		if ( ! $dd )
			return null;
		while ( $f = readdir ($dd) ){
			if ( $f == "." || $f == ".." )
			if ( is_dir ($this->working_dir.$dirname."attachment/".$file."/".$f)){
				$dirs[$dirname.$file."/".$f] = $dirname.$file."/".$f;
				$this->_read_recursive ($dirname, $file."/".$f, $dirs, $files);
			} else {
				$files[$dirname.$file."/".$f] = $dirname.$file."/".$f;
		closedir ($dd);
		return true;

	public function code_get_attachment_count ($dirname, $files_only = false)
		$dirname = $this->_clean_dirname ($dirname);
		if ( $dirname == null )
			return -1;
		if ( !is_dir ($this->working_dir.$dirname."attachment/") )
			return -1;
		$fd = opendir ($this->working_dir.$dirname."attachment/");
		$c = 0;
		if ( !$fd )
			return -1;
		while ( $file = readdir ($fd) ){
			if ( $file == "." || $file == ".." )
			if ( $files_only && is_dir ($file))
		closedir ($fd);
		return $c;

	public function code_get_attachment_size ($dirname, $filename)
		$dirname = $this->_clean_dirname ($dirname);
		if ( $dirname == null )
			return -1;
		if ( ! is_dir ($this->working_dir.$dirname) )
			return -1;
		if ( ! file_exists ($this->working_dir.$dirname."attachment/".$filename) )
			return -1;
		return filesize ($this->working_dir.$dirname."attachment/".$filename);

	public function code_get_attachment_type ($dirname, $filename)
		$dirname = $this->_clean_dirname ($dirname);
		if ( $dirname == null )
			return null;
		if ( ! file_exists ($this->working_dir.$dirname."attachment/".$filename) )
			return null;
		if ( is_dir ($this->working_dir.$dirname."attachment/".$filename) )
			return "d";
		return "f";
		$data = Array ();
		$resource_name = $this->_resource_name2path ($resource_name);

		#echo "resource_name: $resource_name<br />";

		if ( ! $this->test_resource ($resource_name) )
			return $data;
		if ( !($rd = opendir ($resource_name)) )
			return $data;
		while ( $res = readdir ($rd) ){
			if ( $res == "." || $res == ".." )

			$res = $resource_name.$res;
			$data[$res] = $res;
			if ( is_dir ($res) && $read_recursive ){
				$data = array_merge ($data, $this->read ($res, true));

		return $data;
	 * #########################################################
	 * Experimental fuctions
	 * #########################################################
	// Desc: Open container (directory) for controlled reading
	function container_fopen ($dirname, $read_limit = 0)
		$this->dd = opendir ($this->working_dir.$dirname);
		if ( !$this->dd )
			return false;
		$this->read_limit = $read_limit;
		return true;
	function container_read ()
		if ( $this->dd == null )
			return array ();
		return true;
	function container_rewind ()
		if ( $this->dd != null )
			rewinddir ($this->dd);
		return true;
	// Just in case.
	function container_fclose ()
		if ( $this->dd != null )
			closedir ($this->dd);
		return true;




Nahlásit jako SPAM
IP: 46.36.57.–
Oh my goodness, shut me down! Machines making machines. How perverse. (C-3PO)
Earl Cash0
Věrný člen
24. 3. 2012   #2


Nahlásit jako SPAM
IP: 46.36.57.–
Oh my goodness, shut me down! Machines making machines. How perverse. (C-3PO)
~ Redaktor
Super člen
24. 3. 2012   #3

Nechce se mi vůbec přemýšlet nad tím, k čemu je to dobré ;)

Ale po letmém zkouknutí: vůbec se mi nelíbí množství potlačování chyb. Pokud něco ukládám do souboru a nevím jestli se to povedlo nebo ne, je to k ničemu. Potřebuji mít jistotu. Jinak řečeno, zavináče bych používal co možná nejméně.

Ještě bych doporučil použití funkcí file_get_contents a file_put_contents.

Nahlásit jako SPAM
IP: 46.23.51.–
~ Redaktor
Super člen
24. 3. 2012   #4

Na zjišťování jestli je na konci lomítko nebo ne, je regulární výraz celkem brutální 

if ( preg_match ("/\/$/", $dirname) == 0 ) 

Mnohem rychlejší bude něco takového (nezkoušel jsem, možná bude potřeba opravit):

if ( $dirname[strlen($dirname)-1] != '/' )

(Ale možná by nebylo od věci změřit, jak rychle obě varianty běhají. Občas bývají výsledky nečekané.)

Nahlásit jako SPAM
IP: 46.23.51.–
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