Dobry den,
mel by dotaz ohledne udalosti v C#. Doufam ze spravne chapu teorii a to tak, ze pri zachyceni udalosti se vyvola delegat(odkaz na metodu).
Mam tedy nasledujici tridu:
namespace Auta
public delegate void delegatInfoOAutu(string message);
public abstract class Auto : IAuto
public event delegatInfoOAutu Info;
public virtual void Presun()
A pote tridu zdedenou
namespace Auta
public class Audi: Auto
public override void Presun()
this.Info("PRESUN"); // tady CHYBA!!!!
Prekladac mi vsak hlasi chybu
The event 'Auta.Auto.Info' can only appear on the left hand side of += or -= (except when used from within the type 'Auta.Auto')
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