[C] Měření teploty pomocí DS18B20 – C / C++ – Fórum – Programujte.com
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[C] Měření teploty pomocí DS18B20 – C / C++ – Fórum – Programujte.com[C] Měření teploty pomocí DS18B20 – C / C++ – Fórum – Programujte.com


~ Anonymní uživatel
31 příspěvků
12. 1. 2013   #1


Našel jsem si knihovnu, pomocí které se snažím měřit teplotu. Nic těžkého, ale problém je, že se mi nedaří vyčíst teplotu z čidla. Zatím mám pouze jedno čidlo připojení k MCU atmega16, takt 16MHz.

Zde je knihovna DS18B20.c

#include <stdio.h>
 #include <avr/io.h>
 #include <util/delay.h>
 #include "config.h"
 #include "onewire.h"
 #include "ds18x21.h"
 #include "gps.h"

 * Start measurement
 void ds18x21_start_meas( unsigned int pin )
   if( W1_IN & 1<< pin )
     w1_byte_wr( 0xEE, pin );

 * Display measurement result
 double ds18x21_read_meas(unsigned int pin )
   int t;
   int r;
   double c;
   double temperature;

   w1_byte_wr( 0xAA, pin );                     // read temp
   t = w1_byte_rd(pin);                         // low byte
   w1_byte_wr( 0xA0, pin);          // read remaining count
   r = w1_read(9, pin);

   w1_byte_wr( 0x41, pin);          // load counter

   w1_byte_wr( 0xA0, pin);          // read slope counter
   c = w1_read(9, pin);
   if ( t > 0x80 )
      t = t-256;

   temperature   = t - 0.5 + (( c - r ) / c);
   return temperature;


 double ds18x21_get_meas(unsigned int pin, double * temp)
                        int status;
                        w1_reset(pin); // Put error cheking in

                        for ( int i=0; i < 250; i++)
                                _delay_us (10000);

                                w1_byte_wr( 0xAC, pin );
                                status = w1_byte_rd(pin);

                                // Temperature conversion finished ?
                                if ( status & 0x80)
                         _delay_us (10000);

                        // read measurement value
                        *temp = ds18x21_read_meas(pin);
                        return 1;

Zde jsem si vytvořil cyklus pro ono měření:

	for ( i = nSensors; i > 0; i-- ) {	
		if ( DS18X20_start_meas( DS18X20_POWER_PARASITE, &gSensorIDs[i-1][0] ) == DS18X20_OK ) {                                     
			_delay_ms( DS18B20_TCONV_12BIT );
			sprintf (txstring,"T%d= ",(int) i);
				if ( DS18X20_read_celsius( &gSensorIDs[i-1][0],&temp)== DS18X20_OK ) {

No a když program přeložím, tak displej se zblázní. Může někdo poradit, co dělám špatně? Dík moc

Nahlásit jako SPAM
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~ Anonymní uživatel
31 příspěvků
12. 1. 2013   #2

Velice se omlouvám, ta knihovna je špatná. Tato je ta dobrá.

Title:    DS18X20-Functions via One-Wire-Bus
Author:   Martin Thomas <eversmith@heizung-thomas.de>  
Software: avr-gcc 4.3.3 / avr-libc 1.6.7 (WinAVR 3/2010)
Hardware: any AVR - tested with ATmega16/ATmega32/ATmega324P and 3 DS18B20

Partly based on code from Peter Dannegger and others.

20041124 - Extended measurements for DS18(S)20 contributed by Carsten Foss (CFO)
200502xx - function DS18X20_read_meas_single
20050310 - DS18x20 EEPROM functions (can be disabled to save flash-memory)
           (DS18X20_EEPROMSUPPORT in ds18x20.h)
20100625 - removed inner returns, added static function for read scratchpad
         . replaced full-celcius and fractbit method with decicelsius
           and maxres (degreeCelsius*10e-4) functions, renamed eeprom-functions,
           delay in recall_e2 replaced by timeout-handling
20100714 - ow_command_skip_last_recovery used for parasite-powerd devices so the
           strong pull-up can be enabled in time even with longer OW recovery times
20110209 - fix in DS18X20_format_from_maxres() by Marian Kulesza

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

#include "ds18x20.h"
#include "onewire.h"
#include "crc8.h"

// for 10ms delay in copy scratchpad
#include <util/delay.h>
#endif /* DS18X20_EEPROMSUPPORT */

/*----------- start of "debug-functions" ---------------*/

/* functions for debugging-output - undef DS18X20_VERBOSE in .h
   if you run out of program-memory */
#include <string.h>

static int16_t DS18X20_raw_to_decicelsius( uint8_t fc, uint8_t sp[] );

#define uart_puts_P_verbose(s__) uart_puts_P(s__)
#define uart_puts_P_verbose(s__)

/*----------- end of "debug-functions" ---------------*/

/* find DS18X20 Sensors on 1-Wire-Bus
   input/ouput: diff is the result of the last rom-search
                *diff = OW_SEARCH_FIRST for first call
   output: id is the rom-code of the sensor found */
uint8_t DS18X20_find_sensor( uint8_t *diff, uint8_t id[] )
        uint8_t go;
        uint8_t ret;

        ret = DS18X20_OK;
        go = 1;
        do {
                *diff = ow_rom_search( *diff, &id[0] );
                if ( *diff == OW_PRESENCE_ERR || *diff == OW_DATA_ERR ||
                     *diff == OW_LAST_DEVICE ) {
                        go  = 0;
                        ret = DS18X20_ERROR;
                } else {
                        if ( id[0] == DS18B20_FAMILY_CODE || id[0] == DS18S20_FAMILY_CODE ||
                             id[0] == DS1822_FAMILY_CODE ) {
                                go = 0;
        } while (go);

        return ret;

/* get power status of DS18x20
   input:   id = rom_code
   returns: DS18X20_POWER_EXTERN or DS18X20_POWER_PARASITE */
uint8_t DS18X20_get_power_status( uint8_t id[] )
        uint8_t pstat;

        ow_command( DS18X20_READ_POWER_SUPPLY, id );
        pstat = ow_bit_io( 1 );
        return ( pstat ) ? DS18X20_POWER_EXTERN : DS18X20_POWER_PARASITE;

/* start measurement (CONVERT_T) for all sensors if input id==NULL
   or for single sensor where id is the rom-code */
uint8_t DS18X20_start_meas( uint8_t with_power_extern, uint8_t id[])
        uint8_t ret;

        if( ow_input_pin_state() ) { // only send if bus is "idle" = high
                if ( with_power_extern != DS18X20_POWER_EXTERN ) {
                        ow_command_with_parasite_enable( DS18X20_CONVERT_T, id );
                        /* not longer needed: ow_parasite_enable(); */
                } else {
                        ow_command( DS18X20_CONVERT_T, id );
                ret = DS18X20_OK;
        else {
                ret = DS18X20_START_FAIL;

        return ret;

// returns 1 if conversion is in progress, 0 if finished
// not available when parasite powered.
uint8_t DS18X20_conversion_in_progress(void)
        return ow_bit_io( 1 ) ? DS18X20_CONVERSION_DONE : DS18X20_CONVERTING;

static uint8_t read_scratchpad( uint8_t id[], uint8_t sp[], uint8_t n )
        uint8_t i;
        uint8_t ret;

        ow_command( DS18X20_READ, id );
        for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
                sp[i] = ow_byte_rd();
        if ( crc8( &sp[0], DS18X20_SP_SIZE ) ) {
                ret = DS18X20_ERROR_CRC;
        } else {
                ret = DS18X20_OK;

        return ret;


/* convert scratchpad data to physical value in unit decicelsius */
static int16_t DS18X20_raw_to_decicelsius( uint8_t familycode, uint8_t sp[] )
        uint16_t measure;
        uint8_t  negative;
        int16_t  decicelsius;
        uint16_t fract;

        measure = sp[0] | (sp[1] << 8);
        //measure = 0xFF5E; // test -10.125
        //measure = 0xFE6F; // test -25.0625

        if( familycode == DS18S20_FAMILY_CODE ) {   // 9 -> 12 bit if 18S20
                /* Extended measurements for DS18S20 contributed by Carsten Foss */
                measure &= (uint16_t)0xfffe;   // Discard LSB, needed for later extended precicion calc
                measure <<= 3;                 // Convert to 12-bit, now degrees are in 1/16 degrees units
                measure += (16 - sp[6]) - 4;   // Add the compensation and remember to subtract 0.25 degree (4/16)

        // check for negative
        if ( measure & 0x8000 )  {
                negative = 1;       // mark negative
                measure ^= 0xffff;  // convert to positive => (twos complement)++
        else {
                negative = 0;

        // clear undefined bits for DS18B20 != 12bit resolution
        if ( familycode == DS18B20_FAMILY_CODE || familycode == DS1822_FAMILY_CODE ) {
                switch( sp[DS18B20_CONF_REG] & DS18B20_RES_MASK ) {
                case DS18B20_9_BIT:
                        measure &= ~(DS18B20_9_BIT_UNDF);
                case DS18B20_10_BIT:
                        measure &= ~(DS18B20_10_BIT_UNDF);
                case DS18B20_11_BIT:
                        measure &= ~(DS18B20_11_BIT_UNDF);
                        // 12 bit - all bits valid

        decicelsius = (measure >> 4);
        decicelsius *= 10;

        // decicelsius += ((measure & 0x000F) * 640 + 512) / 1024;
        // 625/1000 = 640/1024
        fract = ( measure & 0x000F ) * 640;
        if ( !negative ) {
                fract += 512;
        fract /= 1024;
        decicelsius += fract;

        if ( negative ) {
                decicelsius = -decicelsius;

        if ( /* decicelsius == 850 || */ decicelsius < -550 || decicelsius > 1250 ) {
                return DS18X20_INVALID_DECICELSIUS;
        } else {
                return decicelsius;

/* convert scratchpad data to physical value in unit celsius */
static double DS18X20_raw_to_celsius( uint8_t familycode, uint8_t sp[] )
        uint16_t measure;
        uint8_t  negative;
        int16_t  decicelsius;
        uint16_t fract;
        double celsius;

        measure = sp[0] | (sp[1] << 8);
        //measure = 0xFF5E; // test -10.125
        //measure = 0xFE6F; // test -25.0625

        if( familycode == DS18S20_FAMILY_CODE ) {   // 9 -> 12 bit if 18S20
                /* Extended measurements for DS18S20 contributed by Carsten Foss */
                measure &= (uint16_t)0xfffe;   // Discard LSB, needed for later extended precicion calc
                measure <<= 3;                 // Convert to 12-bit, now degrees are in 1/16 degrees units
                measure += (16 - sp[6]) - 4;   // Add the compensation and remember to subtract 0.25 degree (4/16)

        // check for negative
        if ( measure & 0x8000 )  {
                negative = 1;       // mark negative
                measure ^= 0xffff;  // convert to positive => (twos complement)++
        else {
                negative = 0;

        // clear undefined bits for DS18B20 != 12bit resolution
        if ( familycode == DS18B20_FAMILY_CODE || familycode == DS1822_FAMILY_CODE ) {
                switch( sp[DS18B20_CONF_REG] & DS18B20_RES_MASK ) {
                case DS18B20_9_BIT:
                        measure &= ~(DS18B20_9_BIT_UNDF);
                case DS18B20_10_BIT:
                        measure &= ~(DS18B20_10_BIT_UNDF);
                case DS18B20_11_BIT:
                        measure &= ~(DS18B20_11_BIT_UNDF);
                        // 12 bit - all bits valid

        decicelsius = (measure >> 4);
        decicelsius *= 10;

        // decicelsius += ((measure & 0x000F) * 640 + 512) / 1024;
        // 625/1000 = 640/1024
        fract = ( measure & 0x000F ) * 640;
        if ( !negative ) {
                fract += 512;
        fract /= 1024;
        decicelsius += fract;

        if ( negative ) {
                decicelsius = -decicelsius;
        celsius = decicelsius;
        celsius = celsius/10;

        if ( /* decicelsius == 850 || */ decicelsius < -550 || decicelsius > 1250 ) {
                return 0;
        } else {
                return celsius;

/* format decicelsius-value into string, itoa method inspired
   by code from Chris Takahashi for the MSP430 libc, BSD-license
   modifications mthomas: variable-types, fixed radix 10, use div(),
   insert decimal-point */
uint8_t DS18X20_format_from_decicelsius( int16_t decicelsius, char str[], uint8_t n)
        uint8_t sign = 0;
        char temp[7];
        int8_t temp_loc = 0;
        uint8_t str_loc = 0;
        div_t dt;
        uint8_t ret;

        // range from -550:-55.0°C to 1250:+125.0°C -> min. 6+1 chars
        if ( n >= (6+1) && decicelsius > -1000 && decicelsius < 10000 ) {

                if ( decicelsius < 0) {
                        sign = 1;
                        decicelsius = -decicelsius;

                // construct a backward string of the number.
                do {
                        dt = div(decicelsius,10);
                        temp[temp_loc++] = dt.rem + '0';
                        decicelsius = dt.quot;
                } while ( decicelsius > 0 );

                if ( sign ) {
                        temp[temp_loc] = '-';
                } else {

                // reverse the string.into the output
                while ( temp_loc >=0 ) {
                        str[str_loc++] = temp[(uint8_t)temp_loc--];
                        if ( temp_loc == 0 ) {
                                str[str_loc++] = DS18X20_DECIMAL_CHAR;
                str[str_loc] = '\0';

                ret = DS18X20_OK;
        } else {
                ret = DS18X20_ERROR;
        return ret;

/* reads temperature (scratchpad) of sensor with rom-code id
   output: decicelsius
   returns DS18X20_OK on success */
uint8_t DS18X20_read_decicelsius( uint8_t id[], int16_t *decicelsius )
        uint8_t sp[DS18X20_SP_SIZE];
        uint8_t ret;
        ret = read_scratchpad( id, sp, DS18X20_SP_SIZE );
        if ( ret == DS18X20_OK ) {
                *decicelsius = DS18X20_raw_to_decicelsius( id[0], sp );
        return ret;

/* reads temperature (scratchpad) of sensor with rom-code id
   output: double
   returns DS18X20_OK on success */
uint8_t DS18X20_read_celsius( uint8_t id[], double *celsius )
        uint8_t sp[DS18X20_SP_SIZE];
        uint8_t ret;
        ret = read_scratchpad( id, sp, DS18X20_SP_SIZE );
        if ( ret == DS18X20_OK ) {
                *celsius = DS18X20_raw_to_celsius( id[0], sp );
        return ret;

/* reads temperature (scratchpad) of sensor without id (single sensor)
   output: decicelsius
   returns DS18X20_OK on success */
uint8_t DS18X20_read_decicelsius_single( uint8_t familycode, int16_t *decicelsius )
        uint8_t sp[DS18X20_SP_SIZE];
        uint8_t ret;
        ret = read_scratchpad( NULL, sp, DS18X20_SP_SIZE );
        if ( ret == DS18X20_OK ) {
                *decicelsius = DS18X20_raw_to_decicelsius( familycode, sp );
        return ret;

#endif /* DS18X20_DECICELSIUS */


static int32_t DS18X20_raw_to_maxres( uint8_t familycode, uint8_t sp[] )
        uint16_t measure;
        uint8_t  negative;
        int32_t  temperaturevalue;

        measure = sp[0] | (sp[1] << 8);
        //measure = 0xFF5E; // test -10.125
        //measure = 0xFE6F; // test -25.0625

        if( familycode == DS18S20_FAMILY_CODE ) {   // 9 -> 12 bit if 18S20
                /* Extended measurements for DS18S20 contributed by Carsten Foss */
                measure &= (uint16_t)0xfffe;   // Discard LSB, needed for later extended precicion calc
                measure <<= 3;                 // Convert to 12-bit, now degrees are in 1/16 degrees units
                measure += ( 16 - sp[6] ) - 4; // Add the compensation and remember to subtract 0.25 degree (4/16)

        // check for negative
        if ( measure & 0x8000 )  {
                negative = 1;       // mark negative
                measure ^= 0xffff;  // convert to positive => (twos complement)++
        else {
                negative = 0;

        // clear undefined bits for DS18B20 != 12bit resolution
        if ( familycode == DS18B20_FAMILY_CODE || familycode == DS1822_FAMILY_CODE ) {
                switch( sp[DS18B20_CONF_REG] & DS18B20_RES_MASK ) {
                case DS18B20_9_BIT:
                        measure &= ~(DS18B20_9_BIT_UNDF);
                case DS18B20_10_BIT:
                        measure &= ~(DS18B20_10_BIT_UNDF);
                case DS18B20_11_BIT:
                        measure &= ~(DS18B20_11_BIT_UNDF);
                        // 12 bit - all bits valid

        temperaturevalue  = (measure >> 4);
        temperaturevalue *= 10000;
        temperaturevalue +=( measure & 0x000F ) * DS18X20_FRACCONV;

        if ( negative ) {
                temperaturevalue = -temperaturevalue;

        return temperaturevalue;

uint8_t DS18X20_read_maxres( uint8_t id[], int32_t *temperaturevalue )
        uint8_t sp[DS18X20_SP_SIZE];
        uint8_t ret;
        ret = read_scratchpad( id, sp, DS18X20_SP_SIZE );
        if ( ret == DS18X20_OK ) {
                *temperaturevalue = DS18X20_raw_to_maxres( id[0], sp );
        return ret;

uint8_t DS18X20_read_maxres_single( uint8_t familycode, int32_t *temperaturevalue )
        uint8_t sp[DS18X20_SP_SIZE];
        uint8_t ret;
        ret = read_scratchpad( NULL, sp, DS18X20_SP_SIZE );
        if ( ret == DS18X20_OK ) {
                *temperaturevalue = DS18X20_raw_to_maxres( familycode, sp );
        return ret;


uint8_t DS18X20_format_from_maxres( int32_t temperaturevalue, char str[], uint8_t n)
        uint8_t sign = 0;
        char temp[10];
        int8_t temp_loc = 0;
        uint8_t str_loc = 0;
        ldiv_t ldt;
        uint8_t ret;

        // range from -550000:-55.0000°C to 1250000:+125.0000°C -> min. 9+1 chars
        if ( n >= (9+1) && temperaturevalue > -1000000L && temperaturevalue < 10000000L ) {

                if ( temperaturevalue < 0) {
                        sign = 1;
                        temperaturevalue = -temperaturevalue;

                do {
                        ldt = ldiv( temperaturevalue, 10 );
                        temp[temp_loc++] = ldt.rem + '0';
                        temperaturevalue = ldt.quot;
                } while ( temperaturevalue > 0 );
                // mk 20110209
                if ((temp_loc < 4)&&(temp_loc > 1)) {
                        temp[temp_loc++] = '0';
                } // mk end

                if ( sign ) {
                        temp[temp_loc] = '-';

                while ( temp_loc >= 0 ) {
                        str[str_loc++] = temp[(uint8_t)temp_loc--];
                        if ( temp_loc == 3 ) {
                                str[str_loc++] = DS18X20_DECIMAL_CHAR;
                str[str_loc] = '\0';

                ret = DS18X20_OK;
        } else {
                ret = DS18X20_ERROR;
        return ret;

#endif /* DS18X20_MAX_RESOLUTION */


uint8_t DS18X20_write_scratchpad( uint8_t id[],
        uint8_t th, uint8_t tl, uint8_t conf)
        uint8_t ret;

        if( ow_input_pin_state() ) { // only send if bus is "idle" = high
                ow_command( DS18X20_WRITE_SCRATCHPAD, id );
                ow_byte_wr( th );
                ow_byte_wr( tl );
                if ( id[0] == DS18B20_FAMILY_CODE || id[0] == DS1822_FAMILY_CODE ) {
                        ow_byte_wr( conf ); // config only available on DS18B20 and DS1822
                ret = DS18X20_OK;
        else {
                ret = DS18X20_ERROR;

        return ret;

uint8_t DS18X20_read_scratchpad( uint8_t id[], uint8_t sp[], uint8_t n )
        uint8_t ret;

        if( ow_input_pin_state() ) { // only send if bus is "idle" = high
                ret = read_scratchpad( id, sp, n );
        else {
                ret = DS18X20_ERROR;

        return ret;

uint8_t DS18X20_scratchpad_to_eeprom( uint8_t with_power_extern,
        uint8_t id[] )
        uint8_t ret;

        if( ow_input_pin_state() ) { // only send if bus is "idle" = high
                if ( with_power_extern != DS18X20_POWER_EXTERN ) {
                        ow_command_with_parasite_enable( DS18X20_COPY_SCRATCHPAD, id );
                        /* not longer needed: ow_parasite_enable(); */
                } else {
                        ow_command( DS18X20_COPY_SCRATCHPAD, id );
                _delay_ms(DS18X20_COPYSP_DELAY); // wait for 10 ms
                if ( with_power_extern != DS18X20_POWER_EXTERN ) {
                ret = DS18X20_OK;
        else {
                ret = DS18X20_START_FAIL;

        return ret;

uint8_t DS18X20_eeprom_to_scratchpad( uint8_t id[] )
        uint8_t ret;
        uint8_t retry_count=255;

        if( ow_input_pin_state() ) { // only send if bus is "idle" = high
                ow_command( DS18X20_RECALL_E2, id );
                while( retry_count-- && !( ow_bit_io( 1 ) ) ) {
                if ( retry_count ) {
                        ret = DS18X20_OK;
                } else {
                        ret = DS18X20_ERROR;
        else {
                ret = DS18X20_ERROR;

        return ret;

#endif /* DS18X20_EEPROMSUPPORT */
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IP: 89.102.182.–
~ Anonymní uživatel
31 příspěvků
12. 1. 2013   #3

Tak jsem si s tím trošku pohrál a vyplodil jsem toto, protože temp je unit_16

if ( DS18X20_read_celsius( &gSensorIDs[i-1][0],&temp)== DS18X20_OK ) {
					a = temp/1000;
					pom = temp % 1000;
					b = pom/100;
					pom = pom % 100;
					c = pom / 10;
					pom = pom % 10;
					d = pom; 

A zjistil jsem, že ono to číslo zdaleka nepřipomíná teplotu a až příliš se mění s teplotou např: 13107 pak 00007,.....

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IP: 89.102.182.–
~ Anonymní uživatel
31 příspěvků
12. 1. 2013   #4

No tak se nakonec podařilo. ;-)

if (DS18X20_read_decicelsius(&gSensorIDs[i-1][0],&decicelsius)==DS18X20_OK) 
					sprintf(txstring,"%d", decicelsius);

A musím jen doplnit, že výsledek decicelsius je nutné vydělit 10 ;-)

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31 příspěvků
12. 1. 2013   #5

A abych nezakládal nové téma, chci se zeptat.

Dejme tomu, že mám hodnotu hodiny, které chci aby se na displeji zobrazovaly jako 00:00:00. Ale problém je  v tom, že mě se to zobrazí třeba takto: 12:2:24. Dá se to nějak odstranit, aby bylo zobrazeno 12:02:24??

sprintf (txstring,"%d:%d:%d",hod,min,sek);
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31 příspěvků
12. 1. 2013   #6

#5 George
Tak i tohle jsem už vyřešil. ;-) Kdyby náhodou.

sprintf (txstring,"%02d:%02d:%02d",hod,min,sek);
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905 příspěvků
18. 3. 2018   #7

#2 George
Ahoj, mám podobné problémy jen na vývojovém kitu mi program funguje bez problémů a na mé vlastní desce mi čidlo vypisuje -0,1°C, tak chci zkusit tvojí knihovnu, jen takový menší zádrhel, kde určíš PIN mikrokontroleru ke kterému se data z čidla vztahují ? 

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×Vložení videa

Aktuálně jsou podporována videa ze serverů YouTube, Vimeo a Dailymotion.
Podporujeme Gravatara.
Zadej URL adresu Avatara (40 x 40 px) nebo emailovou adresu pro použití Gravatara.
Email nikam neukládáme, po získání Gravatara je zahozen.
Pravidla pro psaní příspěvků, používej diakritiku. ENTER pro nový odstavec, SHIFT + ENTER pro nový řádek.
Sledovat nové příspěvky (pouze pro přihlášené)
Sleduj vlákno a v případě přidání nového příspěvku o tom budeš vědět mezi prvními.
Reaguješ na příspěvek:

Uživatelé prohlížející si toto vlákno

Uživatelé on-line: 0 registrovaných, 39 hostů

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