Dobrý den,
mám toto VBR:
bits 16
org 0x7C00
mov ah, 0x42 ; Extended Read Sectors From Drive
mov dl, 0x80 ; 80 - FF => HardDisk
mov si, .imageStruct
int 0x13
mov ah, 0x42
mov si, .kernelStruct
int 0x13
jnc InitializeVESA
mov si, .error
mov ah, 0xE
mov cx, 29
int 0x10
loop .writeChar
mov ah, 0
int 0x16 ; Wait for keystroke
mov ax, 0
int 0x19 ; Reboot the system
dw 16 ; byte of structure length + empty byte
dw segmentsForLoad ; sector count
dd Kernel ; out address
dq 1 ; start
dw 16
dw 938
dd BMP
dq 26
.error db "Fatal Error! Press any key..."
in al, 0x92
or al, 2
out 0x92, al
mov bx, 0x4118
mov ax, 0x4F01
mov di, ModeInfo
mov cx, bx
int 0x10
mov ax, 0x4F02
int 0x10
lgdt [.GDTR]
mov eax, cr0
or al, 1
mov cr0, eax
; PE Bit 0. The Protected Environment flag. This flag puts the system into protected mode when set.
; MP Bit 1. The Monitor Coprocessor flag. This flag controls the operation of the "WAIT" instruction.
; EM Bit 2. The Emulate flag. When this flag is set, coprocessor instructions will generate an exception.
; TS Bit 3. The Task Switched flag. This flag is set automatically when the processor switches to a new task.
; ET Bit 4. The Extension Type flag. ET (also called "R") tells us which type of coprocessor is installed. If ET = 0, an 80287 is installed. if ET = 1, an 80387 is installed.
; NE Bit 5. New exceptions. If this flag is clear, FPU exceptions arrive as interrupts. If set, as exceptions.
; PG Bit 31. The Paging flag. When this flag is set, memory paging is enabled. We will talk more about that in a second.
mov ax, 0x8
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
jmp 0x10:Kernel
.GDT dq 0, 0xCF92000000FFFF, 0xCF98000000FFFF
; Selector 0x00 cannot be used | 0x10 will be our code | 0x08 will be our data
dw 0x1F
dd .GDT
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55
%include "source/kernel/SMA.asm"
%include "source/kernel/features/Drawing.asm"
%include "source/kernel/features/Console.asm"
%include "source/kernel/features/Keyboard.asm"
%include "source/kernel/features/"
%include "source/kernel/features/Int.asm"
%include "source/kernel/features/String.asm"
segmentsForLoad equ ($-$$-512) / 16
times 512 - (($-$$) % 512) db 0
section .bss
ModeAttributes resw 1
WinAAttributes resb 1
WinBAttributes resb 1
WinGranularity resw 1
WinSize resw 1
WinASegment resw 1
WinBSegment resw 1
WinFuncPtr resd 1
BytesPerScanLine resw 1
ScreenWidth resw 1
ScreenHeight resw 1
XCharSize resb 1
YCharSize resb 1
NumberOfPlanes resb 1
BitsPerPixel resb 1
NumberOfBanks resb 1
MemoryModel resb 1
BankSize resb 1
NumberOfImagePages resb 1
ReservedPage resb 1
RedMaskSize resb 1
RedMaskPos resb 1
GreenMaskSize resb 1
GreenMaskPos resb 1
BlueMaskSize resb 1
BlueMaskPos resb 1
ReservedMaskSize resb 1
ReservedMaskPos resb 1
DirectColorModeInfo resb 1
; VBE 2.0 extensions
PhysBasePtr resd 1
OffScreenMemOffset resd 1
OffScreenMemSize resw 1
ID1 resb 1
ID2 resb 1
FileSize resd 1
Reserved1 resb 1
Reserved2 resb 1
Reserved3 resb 1
Reserved4 resb 1
Offset resd 1
HeaderLength resd 1
Width resd 1
Height resd 1
NumOfPlanes resw 1
Depth resw 1
Compression resd 1
BytesCount resd 1
Hresolution resd 1
Xresolution resd 1
NumOfUsedColors resd 1
NumOfImportantColors resd 1
A tento kernel:
bits 32
mov eax, BMP
add eax, dword [Offset]
mov [.pointer], eax
mov esi, .params
mov eax, dword [.pointer]
mov ebx, dword [eax]
mov [.color], ebx
call DrawPixel
inc dword [.x]
cmp dword [.x], Width
jne .drawLine
mov dword [.x], 0
inc dword [.y]
cmp dword [.y], Height
je .done
jmp short .drawLine
mov dword [.y], 0
.pointer dd 0
.color dd 0
.x dd 0
.y dd 0
Chci tedy vykreslit BMP obrázek pixel po pixelu. Ale 938 byte se načíst nedá - to selže a když jsem zkusil 38 byte, tak neseděla ani hlavička souboru. (Ani první 2 byte.) Nevěděl by někdo proč? (Ano - několikrát jsem si ověřoval, že ten obrázek začíná na 26. sektoru - zkusil jsem i 25 a 36 - protože mi tam haprovala 10 a ještě mě napadlo, že to začíná od 0. sektoru - ale vše marné.)
Rezervoval jsem trochu místa za ModeInfo a nyní se snad jak to vypadá načte těch 38 sektorů. 938 musím tedy rozkouskovat - proč to nejde naráz? (Když je vstupem dword...)