google = SendKeys.Send visual basic SPACEBAR
Keys key = Keys.Space;
PostMessage(hWndEdit, WM_KEYDOWN, (uint)key, 0); }
- forko2 -
text & chr(32) & text
SendKeys.Send("text" & "{SPACE}" & "text")
- forko3 -
Sendkeys.Send("{Space}") should work, but the window needs focus.
SendKeys " "
- forko4 -
Have you tried s = "%( )ep" ??
The parentheses simply specify that space is to be pressed while Alt is
down, and then E and P are pressed after that.
s = "%" & " " & "ep"
- stranka codeguru -
SendKeys.Message(Keys.Space, w)
SendKeys.Send("Hello", SendKeys.GetWinHandles("New Text Document - _
Notepad", 1, "Edit", 1))
Napis, zda neco z toho funguje, pak, pro ostatni.