mysql verze 5.6 PHP verze 5.3
Tohle mi to hlásí
A Mysql error has occurred while running the script:
The query you are trying to run is invalid
Mysql Error Output: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 20' at line 9
SQL Query: SELECT u.user_id,, u.username,,, u.approved, u.reg_date, u.payment_mode, u.balance, u.tax_account_type, u.tax_reg_number, u.tax_apply_exempt, u.tax_exempted, u.is_seller, u.preferred_seller, u.auction_approval, u.seller_verified, u.preferred_seller_exp_date, u.tax_company_name, AS country_name, AS state_name, u.mail_activated, u.bidder_verified FROM probid_users u LEFT JOIN probid_countries c ON LEFT JOIN probid_countries s ON WHERE u.balance>0 AND u.payment_mode=2 ORDER BY u.reg_date DESC LIMIT , 20
define ('IN_ADMIN', 1);
define ('IN_SITE', 1);
include_once ('../includes/global.php');
include_once ('../includes/class_formchecker.php');
include_once ('../includes/class_custom_field.php');
include_once ('../includes/class_item.php');
include_once ('../includes/class_user.php');
include_once ('../includes/functions_login.php');
if ($session->value('adminarea')!='Active')
include_once ('header.php');
$value = intval($_REQUEST['value']);
$user_id = intval($_REQUEST['user_id']);
(string) $management_box = NULL;
(string) $page_handle = 'register';
$msg_changes_saved = '<p align="center" class="contentfont">' . AMSG_CHANGES_SAVED . '</p>';
$form_submitted = false;
$user = new user();
$user->setts = &$setts;
$tax = new tax();
$tax->setts = &$setts;
$balance_v2 = 1; ## balance limit (debit balance option)
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'user_details')
$row_user = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT u.user_id, u.username,,, u.approved, u.reg_date,
u.payment_mode, u.tax_account_type, u.tax_reg_number, u.tax_apply_exempt, u.tax_exempted,, u.address,, u.zip_code,, u.birthdate, u.birthdate_year,
u.tax_company_name, AS country_name, AS state_name, u.state FROM
" . DB_PREFIX ."users u
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "countries s ON
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "countries c ON WHERE u.user_id=" . $user_id);
$user_details_print_link = ' [ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="javascript:popUp(\'popup_user_details.php?user_id=' . $row_user['user_id'] . '\');">' . AMSG_PRINT_VIEW . '</a> ]';
$template->set('user_details_print_link', $user_details_print_link);
$user->save_edit_vars($user_id, $page_handle);
$template->set('user_details', $row_user);
$template->set('user_full_address', $user->full_address($row_user));
$template->set('user_birthdate', $user->show_birthdate($row_user));
$template->set('tax_account_type', field_display($row_user['tax_account_type'], GMSG_INDIVIDUAL, GMSG_BUSINESS));
$custom_sections_table = $user->display_sections($row_user, $page_handle, true, $user_id);
$template->set('custom_sections_table', $custom_sections_table);
(string) $ip_address_history_content = null;
$sql_select_iphistory = $db->query("SELECT time1, time2, ip FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "iphistory WHERE
memberid='" . $user_id . "' ORDER by time1 DESC");
if ($db->num_rows($sql_select_iphistory) > 0)
while ($iphistory_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_iphistory))
if ($iphistory_details['time2'] < 1)
$iphistory_details['time2'] = $iphistory_details['time1'];
$background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2';
$ip_address_history_content .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td align="center">' . $iphistory_details['ip'] . '</td> '.
' <td align="center">' . show_date($iphistory_details['time1']) . '</td> '.
' <td align="center">' . show_date($iphistory_details['time2']) . '</td> '.
'</tr> ';
$ip_address_history_content .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td align="center" colspan="3">' . AMSG_USER_HASNT_LOGGED_IPS . '</td> '.
'</tr> ';
$template->set('ip_address_history_content', $ip_address_history_content);
$management_box = $template->process('list_site_users_user_details.tpl.php');
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'add_user')
$template->set('do', $_REQUEST['do']);
if ($_REQUEST['operation'] == 'submit')
define ('FRMCHK_USER', 1);
(bool) $frmchk_user_edit = 0;
$frmchk_details = $_POST;
include ('../includes/procedure_frmchk_user.php'); /* Formchecker for user creation/edit */
if ($fv->is_error())
$template->set('display_formcheck_errors', $fv->display_errors());
$form_submitted = true;
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$insert_user_id = $user->insert($_POST);
* since admin creates the user, the user will be automatically activated no matter the site settings.
$sql_update_user = $db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
active=1, approved=1, payment_status='confirmed', mail_activated=1 WHERE user_id=" . $insert_user_id);
if (!$form_submitted)
$template->set('user_details', $_POST);
$template->set('proceed_button', GMSG_REGISTER_BTN);
$template->set('do', $_REQUEST['do']);
$header_registration_message = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" class="border"> ' .
'<tr><td class="c3"><b>' . AMSG_ADD_SITE_USER . '</b></td></tr></table>';
$template->set('header_registration_message', $header_registration_message);
$template->set('register_post_url', 'list_site_users.php');
$template->set('proceed_button', GMSG_REGISTER_BTN);
$post_country = ($_POST['country']) ? $_POST['country'] : $db->get_sql_field("SELECT FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "countries c WHERE
c.parent_id=0 ORDER BY c.country_order ASC, ASC LIMIT 1", 'id');
$template->set('country_dropdown', $tax->countries_dropdown('country', $post_country, 'registration_form'));
$template->set('state_box', $tax->states_box('state', $_POST['state'], $post_country));
$template->set('birthdate_box', $user->birthdate_box($_POST));
$custom_sections_table = $user->display_sections($_POST, $page_handle);
$template->set('custom_sections_table', $custom_sections_table);
$template->set('path_relative', '../');
$template->set('display_direct_payment_methods', $user->direct_payment_methods_edit($_POST));
$management_box = $template->process('register.tpl.php');
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'edit_user')
$row_user = $db->get_sql_row("SELECT * FROM
" . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $user_id);
$username = $row_user['username']; /* the readonly field will not be altered */
if ($_POST['edit_refresh'] == 1)
$row_user = $_POST;
$row_user['username'] = $username;
if ($_REQUEST['operation'] == 'submit')
define ('FRMCHK_USER', 1);
(bool) $frmchk_user_edit = 1;
$frmchk_details = $_POST;
$row_user = $_POST;
$row_user['username'] = $username; /* the readonly field will not be altered */
include ('../includes/procedure_frmchk_user.php'); /* Formchecker for user creation/edit */
if ($fv->is_error())
$template->set('display_formcheck_errors', $fv->display_errors());
$form_submitted = true;
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$new_password = ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2'] && !empty($_POST['password'])) ? $_POST['password'] : null;
$user->update($_POST['user_id'], $_POST, $new_password, $page_handle, true);
if (!$form_submitted)
if ($_REQUEST['operation'] != 'submit')
$user->save_edit_vars($user_id, $page_handle);
if (empty($row_user['first_name']) && empty($row_user['last_name'])) // backward compatibility
list($row_user['first_name'], $row_user['last_name']) = @explode(' ', $row_user['name']);
$template->set('edit_user', 1);
$template->set('edit_disabled', 'disabled'); /* some fields in the registration will be disabled for editing */
$email_check_value = ($_POST['email_check']) ? $_POST['email_check'] : $row_user['email'];
$template->set('email_check_value', $email_check_value);
if (isset($_POST['tax_account_type']))
$row_user['tax_account_type'] = $_POST['tax_account_type'];
$template->set('user_details', $row_user);
$template->set('do', $_REQUEST['do']);
$header_registration_message = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" class="border"> ' .
'<tr><td class="c3"><b>' . AMSG_EDIT_SITE_USER . '</b></td></tr></table>';
$template->set('header_registration_message', $header_registration_message);
$template->set('register_post_url', 'list_site_users.php');
$template->set('proceed_button', GMSG_UPDATE_BTN);
$template->set('country_dropdown', $tax->countries_dropdown('country', $row_user['country'], 'registration_form'));
$template->set('state_box', $tax->states_box('state', $row_user['state'], $row_user['country']));
$custom_sections_table = $user->display_sections($row_user, $page_handle);
$template->set('custom_sections_table', $custom_sections_table);
$template->set('path_relative', '../');
$template->set('display_direct_payment_methods', $user->direct_payment_methods_edit($row_user));
$management_box = $template->process('register.tpl.php');
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete_user')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$user = new user();
$user->setts = &$setts;
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'activate_user')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$user_approved = $db->get_sql_field("SELECT approved FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE user_id=" . $user_id, 'approved');
$approved = ($user_approved) ? 1 : $value;
if ($approved)
{## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 users counter - activate/inactivate all the user's auctions## PHP Pro Bid v6.00 but only if his account is approved - also activate/suspend the user's auctions
user_account_management(intval($user_id), $value);
if (!$user_approved && $approved)
$mail_input_id = intval($user_id);
include('../language/' . $setts['site_lang'] . '/mails/register_success_no_fee_user_notification.php');
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
active='" . $value . "', approved='" . $approved . "', suspension_date=0 WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'tax_exempt')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
tax_exempted='" . $value . "' WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'can_sell')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
is_seller='" . $value . "' WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'verify_seller')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
seller_verified='" . $value . "', seller_verif_next_payment=0 WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'verify_bidder')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
bidder_verified='" . $value . "', bidder_verif_next_payment=0 WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'preferred_seller')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$expiration_date = ($setts['preferred_days'] > 0 && $value) ? (CURRENT_TIME + $setts['preferred_days'] * 24 * 60 * 60) : 0;
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
preferred_seller='" . $value . "', preferred_seller_exp_date='" . intval($expiration_date) . "' WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'is_seller')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
is_seller='" . $value . "' WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'auction_approval')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
auction_approval='" . $value . "' WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'payment_mode')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
payment_mode='" . $value . "' WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'store_default_account')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
shop_active='1', shop_account_id='0', shop_next_payment='0' WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'payment_reminder')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', '<p align="center">' . AMSG_INVOICE_SENT_SUCCESS . '</p>');
$mail_input_id = $user_id;
include('../language/' . $setts['site_lang'] . '/mails/user_payment_reminder.php');
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'payment_reminder_v2')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', '<p align="center">' . AMSG_INVOICES_SENT_SUCCESS . '</p>');
$sql_src_filter = null;
if ($setts['account_mode'] == 2 || $setts['account_mode_personal'] == 1)
$sql_src_filter .= (($sql_src_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.balance>=" . $balance_v2;
if ($setts['account_mode_personal'] == 1)
$sql_src_filter .= (($sql_src_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.payment_mode=2";
$sql_src_filter .= (($sql_src_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.user_id=0";
$sql_select_debit_users = $db->query("SELECT u.user_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users u " . $sql_src_filter);
while($balance_user = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_debit_users))
$mail_input_id = $balance_user['user_id'];
include('../language/' . $setts['site_lang'] . '/mails/user_payment_reminder.php');
else if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'mail_activated')
$template->set('msg_changes_saved', $msg_changes_saved);
$db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "users SET
mail_activated='1' WHERE
user_id=" . $user_id);
$template->set('management_box', $management_box);
$limit = 20;
$order_field = ($_REQUEST['order_field']) ? $_REQUEST['order_field'] : 'u.reg_date';
$order_type = ($_REQUEST['order_type']) ? $_REQUEST['order_type'] : 'DESC';
$additional_vars = '&keywords_name=' . $_REQUEST['keywords_name'] . '&keywords_email=' . $_REQUEST['keywords_email'];
$order_link = '&order_field=' . $order_field . '&order_type=' . $order_type;
$limit_link = '&start=' . $start . '&limit=' . $limit;
$show_link = '&show=' . $_REQUEST['show'];
(string) $search_filter = null;
if ($_REQUEST['keywords_name'])
//$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " MATCH(u.username) AGAINST ('".$_REQUEST['keywords_name']."' WITH QUERY EXPANSION)";
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.username LIKE '%".$_REQUEST['keywords_name']."%'";
$template->set('keywords_name', $_REQUEST['keywords_name']);
if ($_REQUEST['keywords_email'])
// $search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " MATCH( AGAINST ('".$_REQUEST['keywords_email']."*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " LIKE '%".$_REQUEST['keywords_email']."%'"; /* slow query - will need a workaround */
$template->set('keywords_email', $_REQUEST['keywords_email']);
if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'active')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " AND u.approved=1";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'suspended')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " ( OR u.approved=0)";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'individual')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.tax_account_type=0";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'business')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.tax_account_type=1";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'tax_apply_exempt')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.tax_apply_exempt=1 AND u.tax_exempted=0";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'tax_exempted')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.tax_exempted=1";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'accounting_overdue')
if ($setts['account_mode'] == 2 || $setts['account_mode_personal'] == 1)
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.balance>0";
if ($setts['account_mode_personal'] == 1)
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.payment_mode=2";
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.user_id=0";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'accounting_overdue_v2')
if ($setts['account_mode'] == 2 || $setts['account_mode_personal'] == 1)
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.balance>=" . $balance_v2;
if ($setts['account_mode_personal'] == 1)
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.payment_mode=2";
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.user_id=0";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'mail_activated')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.mail_activated=0";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'sellers')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.is_seller=1";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'verified')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.seller_verified=1";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'verified_bidders')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.bidder_verified=1";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'preferred')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.preferred_seller=1";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'store_owners')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.shop_active=1";
else if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'awaiting_approval')
$search_filter .= (($search_filter) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE') . " u.approved=0 AND u.mail_activated=1";
$nb_users = $db->count_rows('users u', $search_filter);
$template->set('query_results_message', display_pagination_results($start, $limit, $nb_users));
$sql_select_users = $db->query("SELECT u.user_id,, u.username,,, u.approved, u.reg_date,
u.payment_mode, u.balance, u.tax_account_type, u.tax_reg_number, u.tax_apply_exempt, u.tax_exempted,
u.is_seller, u.preferred_seller, u.auction_approval, u.seller_verified, u.preferred_seller_exp_date,
u.tax_company_name, AS country_name, AS state_name, u.mail_activated, u.bidder_verified FROM
" . DB_PREFIX ."users u
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "countries c ON
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "countries s ON
" . $search_filter . "
ORDER BY " . $order_field . " " . $order_type . " LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit);
while ($user_details = $db->fetch_array($sql_select_users))
$background = ($counter++%2) ? 'c1' : 'c2';
$user_country = $tax->show_country($user_details['country_name'], $user_details['state_name']);
$is_seller = $user->can_sell($user_details['is_seller']);
$site_users_content .= '<tr class="' . $background . '"> '.
' <td valign="top">' . $user_details['username'] . user_pics($user_details['user_id']) . '<br>' .
' [ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="list_site_users.php?do=user_details&user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . $additional_vars . $order_link . $limit_link . $show_link . '">' . AMSG_USER_DETAILS . '</a> ]<br>'.
' [ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="list_user_bids.php?user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . '">' . AMSG_VIEW_BIDS . '</a> ]<br>'.
' [ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="email_user.php?user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . '">' . AMSG_EMAIL_USER . '</a> ]';
if ($is_seller)
$site_users_content .= '<br>[ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="list_auctions.php?status=open&owner_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . '">' . AMSG_VIEW_OPEN_AUCTIONS . '</a> ]';
$site_users_content .= '</td> '.
' <td valign="top">' . AMSG_NAME . ': ' . $user_details['name'] . '<br>' .
' ' . AMSG_COUNTRY . ': ' . $user_country . '<br>' .
' ' . AMSG_EMAIL_ADDR . ': ' . $user_details['email'] . '<br>' .
' ' . AMSG_REG_DATE . ': ' . show_date($user_details['reg_date']) .
(($setts['enable_pref_sellers'] && $user_details['preferred_seller_exp_date'] > 0) ? '<br><br>' . GMSG_PREFERRED_SELLER_EXP_DATE . ':<br> ' . show_date($user_details['preferred_seller_exp_date']) : '') .
' </td> ' .
' <td valign="top">' . GMSG_ACCOUNT_STATUS . ': <b>' . $user->account_status($user_details['active'], $user_details['approved']) . '</b>';
// get user payment mode.
$user_payment_mode_display = $user->payment_mode_desc($user_details['payment_mode']);
$user_payment_mode = $tax->user_payment_mode($user_details['user_id']);
if ($setts['account_mode_personal'] == 1)
$live_payment_mode = ($user_payment_mode == 1) ? 1 : 0;
$payment_mode_live_link = $user_payment_mode_display . ' [ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="list_site_users.php?do=payment_mode&user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . $additional_vars . $order_link . $limit_link . $show_link . '&value=2">' . GMSG_CHANGE_TO_ACCOUNT . '</a> ]';
$payment_mode_account_link = $user_payment_mode_display . ' [ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="list_site_users.php?do=payment_mode&user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . $additional_vars . $order_link . $limit_link . $show_link . '&value=1">' . GMSG_CHANGE_TO_LIVE . '</a> ]';
$payment_mode_link = field_display($live_payment_mode, $payment_mode_account_link, $payment_mode_live_link);
$payment_mode_link = $user_payment_mode_display;
$site_users_content .= '<br><br>' . AMSG_PAYMENT_MODE . ': <b>' . $payment_mode_link . '</b>';
if ($user_payment_mode == 2)
$site_users_content .= '<br>' . GMSG_BALANCE . ': <b>' . $user->show_balance($user_details['balance'], $setts['currency']) . '</b><br>'.
'[ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="accounting.php?user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . '">' . AMSG_VIEW_ACCOUNT_HISTORY . '</a> ]';
if ($user_details['balance'] > 0)
$site_users_content .= '<br>[ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="list_site_users.php?do=payment_reminder&user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . $additional_vars . $order_link . $limit_link . $show_link . '">' . AMSG_SEND_PAYMENT_REMINDER . '</a> ]';
$site_users_content .= '<br>';
$verified_bidder_enable_link = GMSG_NO . ' [ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="list_site_users.php?do=verify_bidder&user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . $additional_vars . $order_link . $limit_link . $show_link . '&value=1">' . GMSG_VERIFY . '</a> ]';
$verified_bidder_disable_link = GMSG_YES . ' [ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="list_site_users.php?do=verify_bidder&user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . $additional_vars . $order_link . $limit_link . $show_link . '&value=0">' . GMSG_UNVERIFY . '</a> ]';
$site_users_content .= '<br>' . AMSG_VERIFIED_BIDDER .': <b>' . field_display($user_details['bidder_verified'], $verified_bidder_enable_link, $verified_bidder_disable_link) . '</b>';
if ($setts['enable_private_site'])
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AMSG_COMPANY_NAME . ': ' . field_display($user_details['tax_company_name']) . '<br>' .
AMSG_TAX_REG_NUMBER . ': <b>' . field_display($user_details['tax_reg_number']) . '</b><br>' .
AMSG_TAX_EXEMPTED .': <b>' . field_display($user_details['tax_exempted'], $tax_exempt_enable_link, $tax_exempt_disable_link) . '</b></td> ';
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if ($user_details['active'])
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'[ <a rel="nofollow" rel="nofollow" href="list_site_users.php?do=delete_user&user_id=' . $user_details['user_id'] . $additional_vars . $order_link . $limit_link . $show_link . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . AMSG_DELETE_CONFIRM . '\');">' . AMSG_DELETE . '</a> ]';
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$site_users_content .= '<td align="center">' . $site_user_options . ' </td>'.
'</tr> ';
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Nevím kde je chyba :(