Websupport.sk – Offtopic – Fórum – Programujte.com
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Websupport.sk – Offtopic – Fórum – Programujte.comWebsupport.sk – Offtopic – Fórum – Programujte.com


Věrný člen
29. 6. 2007   #1


s nasledovnim textom nalozte podla vlastneho uvazenia :)

Official message from the websupport.sk:
“At 27th June 2007 slovak police without any notice took servers of webhosting company websupport.sk where websites and emails of more than 3500 their clients were stored, which caused a giant loss.
The company and journalist requested the explanation. The servers were token because of the cracking penetration to NBU (something like NSA in USA) which happened more than a year ago.
Police promised immediately to give the servers back, but it didn’t happen till now.
Servers should be given back at the night or tomorrow.
We don’t agree with the police action and after the layer advices we will take (maybe with our all clients) appreciate steps.
Police just can’t took 10 servers of a commercial company, nor commercial webhosting with the reason, that they didn’t know what they are looking for, so that’s why they took all of them.
We thank to our clients for the understanding.”
This is happening in Slovak Republic, part of the Europian Union, and we can’t take it anymore. We are not gonna just look at all of the shit that happens in this country. Please copy this all over the internet, so the world is going to know what is happening.
www.blackhole.sk – IT security site, which described how was the penetration to NBU done, is stored at the websupport.sk so that’s the reason why the police took the servers, but without any notice or explanation, which we think is illegal. NBU – national security agency was “hacked” late last year, where 20gigs of emails were stolen and some more secret stuff. This was done just by guessing the simple password – nbusr123. This password wasn’t change after the few days of blackhole posted the tutorial though, so there you can see how much this country care about us and our security. No network administrator was punished at all, they just took onyx (server of the group that hacked NBU) and was analyzing the data half a year. So we don’t believe that 10 servers will be given back sooner than that time.
Thank you for your time.
Yours faithfully Slovak people

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Peter Orosz0
29. 6. 2007   #2

:D ale maju pravdu, zvlast sa mi pacila ta cast "so there you can see how much this country care about us and our security" :DDD

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Podobná vlákna

MySQL DB 5.7 Websupport — založil zelenac1

Restart skriptu — založil Matej Zabsky

Návrh databáze skladu — založil Kolko-tolko


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