Slideshow baner IE -> FF problem – JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery – Fórum –
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Slideshow baner IE -> FF problem – JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery – Fórum – Programujte.comSlideshow baner IE -> FF problem – JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery – Fórum –


~ Anonymní uživatel
1 příspěvek
3. 10. 2007   #1

mam problem s tymto kodom, je zaujimave ze v IE to nechce ist, ale vo Firefoxe to v pohode ide.
Majitel toho scriptu mi povedal ze jemu to ide takze si vobec neviem s tym pomoct co je spatne.. mozno uz len na tych obrazkoch ze su velke alebo fakt neviem...

<script type="text/javascript"> 

// message to scroll
var marqueecontent='<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="homepage/banner6.gif" border="0" width="150" height="50" class="banner" id="banner0"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="homepage/banner1.gif" border="0" width="150" height="50" class="banner" id="banner1"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="homepage/banner2.gif" border="0" width="150" height="50" class="banner" id="banner2"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="homepage/banner3.gif" border="0" width="150" height="50" class="banner" id="banner3"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="homepage/banner4.gif" border="0" width="150" height="50" class="banner" id="banner4"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="homepage/banner5.gif" border="0" width="150" height="50" class="banner" id="banner5"></a>';
var copyspeed=2; // <-- speed of ticker
var tickerWidth = 300; // <-- ticker width
var tickerHeight = 50; // <-- ticker height

// global variables
var actualWidth='';
var jsMarquee1;
var jsMarquee2;
var div1Interval = 0;
var div2Interval = 0;
var timeToStartSecond= new Array(8)
var div1Status = 0;
var div2Status = 0;

document.write('<span id="temp" style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:-5000px;">'+marqueecontent+'</span>'); // used to determine initial content width
document.write('<span id="temp2" style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;left:-5000px;"></span>'); // used later to calculate the new width of the content

function populate(){

// first DIV

// second DIV

if(actualWidth <= (tickerWidth*2)){

var tempContent;
tempContent = "<nobr>";

// make sure that the div is larger than the ticker area
// if not, duplicate the content
while (actualWidth < (tickerWidth*2)){
tempContent = tempContent + marqueecontent;
actualWidth = actualWidth + actualWidthTemp;
tempContent = tempContent + "</nobr>"

// load the content into the divs

// get the new actual width of the content
actualWidth = document.getElementById("temp2").offsetWidth;

// load the content into the divs


function scrollMarquee(){
if ((parseInt(>(actualWidth*(-1)))){"px";

// call function to begin the second DIV
if(parseInt( < timeToStartSecond && div1Status == 0){
div1Status = 1;
div2Status = 0;
//resets the div to it's original location
document.getElementById("marquee1").style.left = parseInt(tickerWidth)+"px";
//clear the interval and stop animation
div1Interval = window.clearInterval(div1Interval);

function scrollSecondMarquee(){
if (parseInt(>(actualWidth*(-1))){"px";

// call function to restart the first DIV
if(parseInt( < timeToStartSecond && div2Status == 0){
div1Status = 0;
div2Status = 1;
//resets the div to it's original location
document.getElementById("marquee2").style.left = parseInt(tickerWidth)+"px";
//clear the interval and stop animation
div2Interval = window.clearInterval(div2Interval);

/* begins the second marquee */
function beginSecondMarquee(){
div2Interval = window.setInterval("scrollSecondMarquee()",20);

/* begins the first marquee */
function startMarquee(){
div1Interval = window.setInterval("scrollMarquee()",20);

document.write('<div style="position:relative;width:'+tickerWidth+'px;height:'+tickerHeight+'px;overflow:hidden">');
document.write('<div style="position:absolute;width:'+tickerWidth+'px;height:'+tickerHeight+'px;background-color:#DEFDD9" onMouseover="copyspeed=0" onMouseout="copyspeed='+copyspeed+'">');
document.write('<div id="marquee1" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;"></div>');
document.write('<div id="marquee2" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;"></div>');


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Uživatelé prohlížející si toto vlákno

Uživatelé on-line: 0 registrovaných, 15 hostů

Podobná vlákna

Baner — založil Tomáš

Slideshow fotek — založil Marcus Aurelius

Slideshow efekt — založil tanned88


Hostujeme u Českého hostingu       ISSN 1801-1586       ⇡ Nahoru logo © 20032025
Zasadilo a pěstuje, šéfredaktor Lukáš Churý