Dobrý den,
potřeboval bych poradit ohledně programu Teacher Control Panel.
Potreboval bych aby program student.jar se spouštěl v několika místnostech ale vždy na jiném portu. Defaultně je nastaven 3000, tak třeba 3000-3011. Jsou u toho zdrojové kódy,ale v java se nevyznám myslím že je to toto src\student\kello\teacher\student\ a zde defaultProperties.setProperty("teacher-multicast-port", "3000");. Pokud je toto správně přepíši port ale již se mi to nedaří zkompilovat vypisuje to toto:
Compiling 1 source file to C:\JavaProject8\build\classes
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ package kello.teacher.protocol does not exist
import kello.teacher.protocol.RfbServerDescription;
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ package kello.teacher.rfb does not exist
import kello.teacher.rfb.MulticastRfbOptions;
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ package kello.teacher.rfb.viewer does not exist
import kello.teacher.rfb.viewer.JRfbMulticastViewer;
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class TeacherHandler
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
private TeacherHandler teacher;
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class StudentControlChannelListener
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
private StudentControlChannelListener control;
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class JRfbMulticastViewer
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
private JRfbMulticastViewer viewer;
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class ScreenLocker
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
private ScreenLocker locker;
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class MulticastRfbOptions
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
private void buildFullscreenFrame(MulticastRfbOptions opt, String group, int port, RfbServerDescription desc) throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class RfbServerDescription
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
private void buildFullscreenFrame(MulticastRfbOptions opt, String group, int port, RfbServerDescription desc) throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class MulticastRfbOptions
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
private void buildNonFullscreenFrame(MulticastRfbOptions opt, String group, int port, RfbServerDescription desc) throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class RfbServerDescription
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
private void buildNonFullscreenFrame(MulticastRfbOptions opt, String group, int port, RfbServerDescription desc) throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class RfbServerDescription
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
public synchronized void startDemo(String group, int port, RfbServerDescription desc, boolean fullscreen) {
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class TeacherHandler
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
public TeacherHandler getTeacher() {
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class StudentControlChannelListener
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
control = new StudentControlChannelListener(properties.getProperty("teacher-multicast-group"), Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("teacher-multicast-port")), this);
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class ScreenLocker
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student = new ScreenLocker();
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class TeacherHandler
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
teacher = new TeacherHandler(s, this);
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class JRfbMulticastViewer
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
viewer = new JRfbMulticastViewer(false, desc, opt);
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class JRfbMulticastViewer
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
viewer = new JRfbMulticastViewer(false, desc, opt);
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class MulticastRfbOptions
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
MulticastRfbOptions opt = new MulticastRfbOptions();
C:\teachercp-0.1\src\student\kello\teacher\student\ cannot find symbol
symbol : class MulticastRfbOptions
location: class kello.teacher.student.Student
MulticastRfbOptions opt = new MulticastRfbOptions();
20 errors
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
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Teacher Control Panel

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