Upravení pluginu do hry – C / C++ – Fórum – Programujte.com
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Upravení pluginu do hry – C / C++ – Fórum – Programujte.comUpravení pluginu do hry – C / C++ – Fórum – Programujte.com


~ Anonymní uživatel
7 příspěvků
19. 10. 2016   #1

Zdravím, jako začátečník ve VS bych rád požádal o pomoc jestli by byl někdo tak hodný. Jedná se o doplnění existujícího pluginu do hry Unturned. Jedná se o Source code z JailTime https://github.com/noammiz007/Rocket-Plugin-Jail-Time.

Má otázka zní, jak do tohoto kódu přidat podmínku, která upřednostňuje poslání hráče do vězení, který někoho zabil.

Z jiného pluginu vím, že k tomu kdo zabíjí patří "Steamworks.CSte­amID murderer". Například death https://github.com/Zamirathe/MashTools/blob/master/DeathAnnounce/DeathAnnounce/DeathAnnounce.cs

Původní JailTime.cs

using Steamworks;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Rocket.Unturned.Chat;
using Rocket.API;
using Rocket.Unturned.Events;
using Rocket.Unturned.Player;
using Rocket.API.Collections;
using Rocket.Core.Plugins;
using SDG.Unturned;
using Rocket.Unturned;
using Rocket.Core.Logging;
using System.Linq;

namespace ApokPT.RocketPlugins

    public class JailTime : RocketPlugin<JailTimeConfiguration>
        private Dictionary<string, Cell> cells = new Dictionary<string, Cell>();
        private Dictionary<string, Sentence> players = new Dictionary<string, Sentence>();

        // Singleton
        public static JailTime Instance;

        protected override void Load()
            Instance = this;

            if (JailTime.Instance.Configuration.Instance.Enabled)
                UnturnedPlayerEvents.OnPlayerRevive += Events_OnPlayerRevive;
                U.Events.OnPlayerConnected += Events_OnPlayerConnected;

            //This function will load cells from configuration.

        //Rocket Unload.
        protected override void Unload()
            //This function will unload cells from configuration.

            UnturnedPlayerEvents.OnPlayerRevive -= Events_OnPlayerRevive;
            U.Events.OnPlayerConnected -= Events_OnPlayerConnected;

        //Load cells from configuration file.
        private void injectConfiCells()
            foreach (CellLoc cell in Configuration.Instance.Cells)
                setJail(null, cell.Name.ToLower(), new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(cell.X), Convert.ToSingle(cell.Y), Convert.ToSingle(cell.Z)));


        //(Rocket unload) Unload players in jail to last location and flush the dictionaries.
        private void uninjectConfiCells()
            //Should Sentence be removed during Unload...
            if (JailTime.Instance.Configuration.Instance.ReleasePlayerOnUnload)
                List<string> keys = new List<string>(players.Keys);

                foreach (string key in keys)
                    removePlayer(null, key);

                //Flush both dictionaries, and local List<>.


        //Permissions (Overridden)
        public List<string> Permissions
                return new List<string>() {};

        //Events for On Player connected

        private void Events_OnPlayerConnected(UnturnedPlayer player)

            if (player.IsAdmin || player.HasPermission("jail.immune")) return;

            if (players.ContainsKey(player.ToString()))

                if (JailTime.Instance.Configuration.Instance.BanOnReconnect)
                    //removePlayerFromJail(player, players[player.ToString()]);

                    //Send player over to Player Component (JailTimePlayer) to handle ban on reconnect.

                    Logger.Log("Sending " + player.SteamName + " to ban on reconnect.");
                    Logger.Log("Ping: " + player.Ping);

                    JailTimePlayer jailtimeplayer = player.GetComponent<JailTimePlayer>();

                    if (!(players[player.ToString()].End <= DateTime.Now))
                        movePlayerToJail_OnPlayerRevive_Connect(player, players[player.ToString()].Cell);
                        UnturnedChat.Say(player, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_back_msg"));

        //Event for On Player Revive (Death or Suicide).
        private void Events_OnPlayerRevive(UnturnedPlayer player, Vector3 position, byte angle)
            if (player.IsAdmin || player.HasPermission("jail.immune")) return;

            if (players.ContainsKey(player.ToString()))
                movePlayerToJail_OnPlayerRevive_Connect(player, players[player.ToString()].Cell);
                UnturnedChat.Say(player, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_back_msg"));

        //This function will handle OnPlayerRevive/Connected to re-strip(if enabled) player and sending back to jail without dupping clothes.
        private void movePlayerToJail_OnPlayerRevive_Connect(UnturnedPlayer player, Cell jail)
            if (Instance.Configuration.Instance.StripInventory)

            player.Teleport(jail.Location, player.Rotation);

        //Fixed Update
        public void FixedUpdate()
            if (this.State == PluginState.Loaded && players != null && players.Count != 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Sentence> pl in players)
                    if (pl.Value.End <= DateTime.Now)
                            removePlayer(null, pl.Key);
                        catch { }

                        UnturnedPlayer player = UnturnedPlayer.FromCSteamID(new CSteamID(Convert.ToUInt64(pl.Key)));

                        if (player != null && Vector3.Distance(player.Position, pl.Value.Cell.Location) > Configuration.Instance.WalkDistance)
                            if (Configuration.Instance.KillInsteadOfTeleport)
                                player.Damage(255, player.Position, EDeathCause.PUNCH, ELimb.SKULL, player.CSteamID);
                                player.Teleport(pl.Value.Cell.Location, player.Rotation);
                    catch { }


        //Private Methods
        //Get cells by name.
        private Cell getCellbyName(string jailName)

            return cells.ContainsKey(jailName) ? cells[jailName] : null;

        //Get random cell.
        private Cell getRandomCell()
            if (cells.Count >= 0)
                List<string> keys = new List<string>(cells.Keys);
                System.Random rand = new System.Random();
                return cells[keys[rand.Next(cells.Count)]];


            return null;

        //Player Methods
        //Adding a player
        internal void addPlayer(IRocketPlayer caller, string playerName, string jailName = "", uint jailTime = 0)

            Cell jail;
            UnturnedPlayer target = UnturnedPlayer.FromName(playerName);

            if (jailTime == 0) jailTime = Configuration.Instance.JailTimeInSeconds;

            if (target == null)
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_notfound", jailName));
            else if (players.ContainsKey(target.ToString()))
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_in_jail", target.CharacterName));
                if (target.IsAdmin || target.HasPermission("jail.immune") || target.HasPermission("jail"))
                    UnturnedChat.Say(target, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_immune"));
                else if (cells.Count == 0)
                    UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_jail_notset", jailName));
                else if (jailName == "")
                    jail = getRandomCell();
                    jail = getCellbyName(jailName);

                if (jail == null)
                    UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_jail_notfound", jailName));

                players.Add(target.ToString(), new Sentence(jail, jailTime, target.Position));
                movePlayerToJail(target, jail);

                UnturnedChat.Say(target, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_arrest_msg", jailTime));
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_arrested", target.CharacterName, jail.Name));

        //Removing a player
        internal void removePlayer(UnturnedPlayer caller, string playerName)
            UnturnedPlayer target;
                target = UnturnedPlayer.FromCSteamID(new CSteamID(Convert.ToUInt64(playerName)));
                target = UnturnedPlayer.FromName(playerName);

            if (target != null && players.ContainsKey(target.ToString()))
                removePlayerFromJail(target, players[target.ToString()]);
                UnturnedChat.Say(target, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_release_msg"));

                if (caller != null)
                    UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_released", target.CharacterName));

                if (caller != null)
                    UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_notfound", playerName));


        //List players
        internal void listPlayers(IRocketPlayer caller)
            if (players.Count == 0)
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_list_clear"));
                string playersString = "";

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Sentence> player in players)
                    try { playersString += UnturnedPlayer.FromName(player.Key).CharacterName + " (" + player.Value.Cell.Name + "), "; }
                    catch { }

                if (playersString != "") playersString = playersString.Remove(playersString.Length - 2) + ".";

                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_player_list", playersString));

        // Jail Methods
        //Set Jail
        internal void setJail(UnturnedPlayer caller, string jailName, Vector3 location)
            if (caller != null)
                if (cells.ContainsKey(jailName.ToLower()))
                    UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_jail_exists", jailName));
                    UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_jail_set", jailName));

                Configuration.Instance.Cells.Add(new CellLoc(jailName, location.x, location.y, location.z));

            cells.Add(jailName.ToLower(), new Cell(jailName, location));

        //Unset Jail
        internal void unsetJail(IRocketPlayer caller, string jailName)
            if (!cells.ContainsKey(jailName.ToLower()))
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_jail_notfound", jailName));
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_jail_unset", jailName));
                foreach (CellLoc cell in Configuration.Instance.Cells)
                    if (cell.Name.ToLower() == jailName.ToLower())

        //TP to a cell
        internal void teleportToCell(UnturnedPlayer caller, string jailName)
            if (!cells.ContainsKey(jailName.ToLower()))
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_jail_notfound", jailName));
                caller.Teleport(cells[jailName.ToLower()].Location, caller.Rotation);

        //List Jails
        internal void listJails(IRocketPlayer caller)
            if (cells.Count == 0)
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_jail_notset"));
                string jailsString = "";

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Cell> jail in cells)
                    jailsString += jail.Value.Name + ", ";

                if (jailsString != "") jailsString = jailsString.Remove(jailsString.Length - 2) + ".";

                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, Instance.Translate("jailtime_jail_list", jailsString));

        //Arrest Methods//
        //Move selected player to jail.
        private void movePlayerToJail(UnturnedPlayer player, Cell jail)
            //If StripWeapons is TRUE, Remove player's inventory.
            if (Instance.Configuration.Instance.StripInventory)

                //if GiveClothes is TRUE, jail clothes will be given (to wear).
                if (JailTime.Instance.Configuration.Instance.GiveClothes)
                    player.GiveItem(303, 1);
                    player.GiveItem(304, 1);
            player.Teleport(jail.Location, player.Rotation);

        //Remove player from jail
        private void removePlayerFromJail(UnturnedPlayer player, Sentence sentence)
            player.Teleport(sentence.Location, player.Rotation);

        //Method to attempt inventory clear. | Credit doozzik https://github.com/…/DropManager
        //Inventory removal works, but if a player has a gun in slots 1&2, the model of said item stays visible.
        private void InvClear(UnturnedPlayer player)
            for (byte page = 0; page < PlayerInventory.PAGES; page++)
                byte itemCount = player.Player.inventory.getItemCount(page);

                for (byte index = 0; index < itemCount; index++)
                        player.Player.inventory.removeItem(page, index);
                    catch (Exception e)
                            Logger.LogWarning(JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_inv_playerInvError") + player.CharacterName);
                            Logger.LogWarning(JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_inv_fullError") + e.Message);

        // Translations
        public override TranslationList DefaultTranslations
                return new TranslationList(){
                    //Some log outputs.
                    {"jailtime_console_display", "JailTime by ApokPT. Updated by Lossy. " },
                    {"jailtime_inv_playerInvError", "JailTime: Cant clear inventory for player. "},
                    {"jailtime_inv_fullError", "JailTime: Full problem description: "},
                    //Jail information
                    {"jailtime_jail_notset","No cells set, please use /jail set [name] first! "},
                    {"jailtime_jail_notfound","No cell named {0} found! "},
                    {"jailtime_jail_set","New cell named {0} created where you stand! "},
                    {"jailtime_jail_exists","Cell named {0} already exists! "},
                    {"jailtime_jail_unset","Cell named {0} deleted! "},
                    {"jailtime_jail_list","Jail Cells: {0} "},
                    //Jail player information.
                    {"jailtime_player_immune","That player cannot be arrested! "},
                    {"jailtime_player_in_jail","Player {0} already in jail! "},
                    {"jailtime_player_arrested","Player {0} was arrested in {1} cell! "},
                    {"jailtime_player_released","Player {0} released from jail! "},
                    {"jailtime_player_list","Players: {0} "},
                    {"jailtime_player_list_clear","Jail cells are getting dusty! "},
                    {"jailtime_player_notfound","No player found named {0}! "},
                    {"jailtime_player_arrest_msg","You have been arrested for {0} seconds! "},
                    {"jailtime_player_release_msg","You have been released! "},
                    {"jailtime_player_back_msg","Get back in your cell! "},
                    //Command Help
                    {"jailtime_help","/jail commands: add, remove, set, unset, list, teleport "},
                    {"jailtime_help_add","use /jail add <player> <time> <cell> - to arrest a player, if no <cell> uses a random one "},
                    {"jailtime_help_remove","use /jail remove <player> - to release a player "},
                    {"jailtime_help_list","use /jail list players or /jail list cells "},
                    {"jailtime_help_set","use /jail set <cell> - to set a new jail cell "},
                    {"jailtime_help_unset","use /jail unset <cell> - to delete a jail cell "},
                    {"jailtime_help_teleport","use /jail teleport <cell> - to teleport to a cell "},
                    {"jailtime_ban","You have been banned for disconnecting while in Jail! "},
                    {"jailtime_ban_time","You have been banned temporarily for disconnecting while in Jail! "}

Pokud to chápu správně budu upravovat část z JailTime.cz

//TP to a cell
internal void teleportToCell(UnturnedPlayer caller, string jailName)
    if (!cells.ContainsKey(jailName.ToLower()))
        UnturnedChat.Say(caller, JailTime.Instance.Translate("jailtime_jail_notfound", jailName));
        caller.Teleport(cells[jailName.ToLower()].Location, caller.Rotation);
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~ Anonymní uživatel
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19. 10. 2016   #2

Prosím o přesunutí do správné diskuze, špatně sem proklikl a již nemohu upravit. Omlouvám se

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